
Campaigns, Legal Case Description, Advocacy


PI’s Guide to International Law and Surveillance providing the most hard-hitting results that reinforce and strengthen the core principles and standards of international law on surveillance.

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Governments have been digitising their health systems and, more broadly, healthcare. We dive into the right to health situated in the digital context, exploring the digital health initiatives that put patients' data and freedoms at risk.


PI's response to the call for input to the study of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on human rights implications of new and emerging technologies in the military domain

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In June 2023, PI conducted a survey of UK MPs through YouGov, which highlighted their startling lack of knowledge of the use of facial recognition technology (FRT) in their own constituencies, inspiring our new campaign about 'The End of Privacy in Public'.

Press release

The European Ombudsman has found that the European Commission failed to take necessary measures to ensure the protection of human rights in the transfers of technology with potential surveillance capacity supported by its multi-billion Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. 


As EU policymakers are about to adopt new laws to empower consumers and increase cyber-resilience, PI's research shows that the existing practices of device manufacturers around software and security updates fail to meet the expectations of the vast majority of consumers.

News & Analysis

PI, together with 5 other human rights groups, has submitted a complaint to the European Ombudsman calling for an investigation into EU surveillance aid to non-EU countries


The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is developing a new legal standard to support decent work in the platform economy. Privacy International has submitted its views on the risks to the privacy, autonomy and decency of workers posed by the use of automated decision-making. This is with the aim of informing the forthcoming discussion on the standard at the 2025 and 2026 International Labour Conferences. 

Long Read

The European Union’s ‘Digital Markets Act’ came into force on the 7 March 2024. The law aims to make the EU’s markets in the digital sector fairer and more contestable by imposing restrictions on designated ‘gatekeepers’ in an attempt to empower competitors and reinstate the rights of users.



On 11 August 2024, PI delivered an oral statement during the 31st Session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the impact of the use of data & tech on the rights of persons with disabilities.


As negotiations of a UN treaty against cybercrime are coming to a close, Privacy International is concerned that, in its current, almost final form, the draft treaty poses significant risks to both human rights and the security of digital communications.

The Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes is concluding its final negotiating session at UN headquarters in New York City, after over two years of negotiations which exposed deep divisions among states.


Privacy International co-signed a letter, alongside UK civil society organisations campaigning against the use of FRT in the UK, calling on retailers to refrain from the use of FRT in their stores. 


Privacy International, alongside a coalition of UK based NGOs campaigning against facial recognition technology (FRT), co-signed a letter to the Information Commissioner and Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (the Met), regarding a report exposing the Met's use of PimEyes, a facial recognition search engine. 


PI responded to the ICO consultation on engineering individual rights into generative AI models such as LLMs. Our overall assessment is that the major generative AI models are unable to uphold individuals’ rights under the UK GDPR. New technologies designed in a way that cannot uphold people’s rights cannot be permitted just for the sake of innovation.


Our submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education on academic freedom and surveillance of educational institutions.