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Content Type: Explainer
At first glance, infrared temperature checks would appear to provide much-needed reassurance for people concerned about their own health, as well as that of loved ones and colleagues, as the lockdown is lifted. More people are beginning to travel, and are re-entering offices, airports, and other contained public and private spaces. Thermal imaging cameras are presented as an effective way to detect if someone has one of the symptoms of the coronavirus - a temperature.
However, there is little…
Content Type: Video
This podcast is part of a special series from PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project.
The series comes out on the last Monday of every month.
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
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Content Type: News & Analysis
New technologies continue to present great risks and opportunities for any users but for some communities the implications and harms can have severe consequences and one of the sectors facing increasing challenges to keep innovating whilst protecting themselves and the people they serve is the humanitarian sector.
Over the course of engagement with the humanitarian sector, one of our key observations has been how risk assessments undertaken in the sector omitted to integrate a hollistic…
Content Type: Press release
MI6 has been forced to apologise to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal after two of its officers asked court staff to return documents relating to MI6’s use of agents and not show them to judges. The Tribunal suggested MI6’s actions were “inappropriate interference”.
The revelation emerged in an ongoing legal case considering what crimes intelligence informants are allowed to commit, after it was revealed that MI5 maintains a secret policy under which agents can be “authorised” to…
Content Type: Examples
The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement service announced in July that the State Department will not issue visas to students whose universities shift to online-only learning and they must leave the country or face deportation. More than 1 million higher education students in the US come from overseas, though enrollment has been declining since 2016, and the move is a blow to university budgets. Eight percent are planning to operate online-only, 60% are planning for in-person instruction, and…
Content Type: Examples
The New Zealand MP Hamish Walker, a member of the centre-right opposition National party, admitted leaking the details of all the country’s 18 active COVID-19 cases to the media in order to “expose the government’s shortcoming”. Walker said he had been advised that his actions were not illegal. The government has announced an independent inquiry.
Publication: Guardian
Writer: Eleanor Ainge Roy
Content Type: Examples
New US federal data released by the CDC in response to freedom of information requests show striking racial and ethnic disparities in all parts of the country in who gets infected and hospitalised with coronavirus. A survey of 640,000 infections in nearly 1,000 US counties found that Latino and African-American US residents are three times as likely to become infected and twice as likely to die of the virus as white people living the same places. In areas of Arizona and several other places,…
Content Type: Examples
After ORG asked questions via its legal representative, AWO’s Ravi Naik, the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care agreed to change the period it would retain Test and Trace data from 20 years to eight. Public Health England manager Yvonne Doyle explained that the novelty of COVID-19 was the reason for keeping the data longer, in case PHE needed to get back in touch with those who had tested positive with additional information.
Publication: ZDNet
Writer: Daphne Leprince-Ringuet…
Content Type: Examples
In early July the Open Rights Group issued a pre-action legal letter to UK health secretary Matt Hancock and the Department of Health and Social Care saying they have breached requirements under the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR by failing to conduct an impact assessment for the Test and Trace system. ORG and its lawyers, AWO, had been asking for details of the DPIA since the beginning of June, a few days after the system was launched. In their response, the DHSC’s lawyers said “there were…
Content Type: Examples
The October 2019 Presidential Decree 98/2019 granted the Hellenic Police the option of using drones in policing and border management for broad purposes; previously they were limited to using them for purposes such as preventing forest fires or helping rescue people after a natural disaster or an accident. By spring 2020, the Hellenic Police had begun using their new powers in cities such as Athens and Thessaloniki to enforce compliance with lockdown measures instituted to curb the spread of…
Content Type: Examples
Israel’s initial success in curbing the spread of the coronavirus in April was followed in June by a surge in cases that government advisers blamed on insufficient resources for ministries to implement an effective trace-and-trace programme and increase testing to the level that would show clearly where cases were appearing so outbreak could be suppressed quickly. Among the problems is the decision to use security service Shin Bet’s recently disclosed database of mobile phone location data to…
Content Type: Advocacy
In February 2020, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) commenced an investigation into the proposed acquisition of Fitbit by Google, which was originally announced in November 2019.
In March 2020, we made a submission to the ACCC, arguing that the acquisition would very likely have onerous implications for both consumers and markets. We asked the Australian regulator to apply strict scrutiny and not let hisory once again repeat itself. We concluded that the…
Content Type: Video
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Content Type: News & Analysis
The UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin together with Dr. Krisztina Huszti-Orbán, released today a key report on the “Use of Biometric Data to Identify Terrorists: Best Practice or Risky Business?”.
The report explores the human rights risks involved in the deployment of biometrics emphasising that
in the absence of robust rights protections which are institutionally embedded…
Content Type: Guide step
Con cierta regularidad, borra las sesiones inactivas de Viber yendo a Configuración > Cuenta > Escritorio y tabletas.
Si un desconocido inicia una conversación contigo diciendo que es alguien que conoces, trata de asegurarte de que es quien dice ser antes de proporcionar cualquier tipo de información sobre ti
Cuando te unes a un grupo, todos los miembros del grupo podrán ver tu número telefónico. Recomendamos que antes de unirte a un grupo revises con cuidado quién puede ver esta…
Content Type: Guide step
From time to time, clear any inactive Viber sessions by going to Settings > Account > Desktop and Tablets.
If a stranger starts a conversation with you claiming to be someone you know try to ensure that they are who they claim they are before providing any information about yourself
Joining a group will make your phone number visible to all group members. Before joining a group we recommend you to be careful as to who might access this information
Messaging apps such as Viber are…
Content Type: Guide step
Si proteges tus tweets, no aceptes solicitudes de seguimiento de personas desconocidas.
Avísale a la gente que no quieres que publiquen tu foto sin tu consentimiento.
No publiques fotos de otras personas sin su consentimiento.
No publiques información delicada en tus fotos o en las leyendas.
No reveles tu ubicación/asegúrate de que los detalles en el fondo no revelen tu ubicación.
No uses hashtags que podrían revelar datos privados (o la ubicación).
Ten cautela cuando publiques fotos de…
Content Type: Guide step
If you protect your tweets, don't accept follow requests from unknown people.
Let people know that you don't want your picture posted without your consent.
Don’t post photos of other people without their consent.
Don’t post sensitive information in your photos or captions.
Don’t reveal your location/make sure the location is not revealed by background details.
Don’t use hashtags that may reveal private data (or the location).
Be wary when posting photos of children on social media.
If you log…
Content Type: Guide step
You might sometimes connect from a device that is not yours, for example someone else's computer. We recommend you always log out after doing so, but if you forgot, you can view all active sessions in Account > Apps and sessions
Content Type: Guide step
Puede que a veces te conectes desde un dispositivo diferente al tuyo, por ejemplo, la computadora de otra persona. Recomendamos que siempre cierres la sesión cuando hagas esto. Pero si se te olvida, puedes ver todas las sesiones activas en Cuenta > Aplicaciones y sesiones
Content Type: Guide step
Sugerimos utilizar la autenticación en dos fases, ya que ofrece un paso de seguridad adicional para ingresar a tu cuenta. Así, cuando te conectes, Twitter verificará tu identidad solicitando un código además de tu nombre de usuario y contraseña.
Este código (el segundo factor) puede ser recibido por SMS, una aplicación o una clave de seguridad. Ten en cuenta que por defecto Twitter te obliga a utilizar un número telefónico y a recibir un SMS. Más adelante puedes activar la autenticación en dos…
Content Type: Guide step
We suggest using Two-Factor authentication, as it provides an extra security step in order to access your account. This way, when you connect, Twitter will verify your identity by requesting a code in addition to your username and password.
This code (the second factor) can be received either by SMS, an app or a security key. Note that by default Twitter forces you to use a phone number to receive an SMS. You can later enable Two-factor authentication with an app and remove the SMS option.
Content Type: Guide step
Protege tus tweets
Configuración y privacidad > Privacidad y seguridad > Proteger tus tweets
Lo primero que puedes hacer para que tu cuenta de twitter sea más privada es proteger tus tweets. Activar esta función hace que tus tweets solo puedan ser vistos por quienes te siguen en la aplicación. Cuando esta función está activada, tienes que aprobar cada seguidor nuevo.
Esta es una solución interesante si tu intención es que tu cuenta no sea pública sino para amigos, familiares o una…
Content Type: Guide step
Protect your tweets
Settings & Privacy > Privacy and Safety > Protect your tweets
The first action you can take to make your twitter account more private is to protect your tweets. Enabling this option will make your tweets visible only to people who follow you. If selected, you will need to approve each new follower.
This is an interesting solution if your account is not meant to be public and is rather for friends, family or for a specific community. It gives you great control on…