Submission In Advance Of The Consideration Of Argentina, Human Rights Committee, 117th Session, 27 June – 22 July 2016

Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) and Privacy International note the replies by the government of Argentina to the list of issues prior to the submission of the report, in particular in relation to the laws, policies and practices related to surveillance and protection of personal data.
Privacy International is a human rights organisation that works to advance and promote the right to privacy and fight surveillance around the world. The Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) is a Buenos Aires-based independent NGO created in 1995, committed to the promotion of respect for human rights in Argentina and Latin America.
The organisations have on-going concerns related to the respect of the right to privacy and data protection in Argentina. In this submission, the organisations provide the Committee with additional, up to date information to that contained in the briefing submitted to the Committee in advance of the adoption of the list of issues prior to reporting in December 2013.