Photo by Gustavo Sánchez on Unsplash.
PI welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation on the proposed data protection bill in Argentina.
Photo by Gustavo Sánchez on Unsplash.
Privacy International responded to the consultation on the proposed data protection bill (the "Bill") to reform the current law 25.326
We welcome the continued efforts by Argentina to provide protections for the right to privacy, already enshrined in the Constitution of Argentina. PI welcomes the main objective of the Bill, namely to regulate the processing of personal data in order to guarantee fully the exercise of data subjects’ rights in accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution (Article 1 of the Bill).
We note the advances made in the Bill to include protections for personal data to reflect the new challenges and opportunities that result from the data- driven ecosystem we live in, with the inclusion of provisions on cloud computing, automated decision-making including profiling, credit ratings and services and innovative marketing.
Privacy International presented a number of observations and recommendations on the proposed draft law.