German contact tracing app finds early support


Germany’s “Corona-Warn” contact tracing app amassed 6.5 million users (7.8% of the German population) in the first 24 hours after its June 16 launch despite setbacks that included disputes over data privacy and functionality. The app was developed in six weeks by a team of developers and engineers from Deutcsche Telekom and SAP and is built on the Apple-Google notification framework. In a poll conducted by ARD around the time of the app’s launch, 42% of Germans said they would use the app, while 39% said they wouldn’t. On June 26, SAP’s CTO and head of data operations, Juergen Mueller, said the app was 80% accurate in showing whether a user had been within two metres of an infected person for 15 minutes.

Writer: Daphne Leprince-Ringuet; Bloomberg
Publication: ZDNet; Yahoo!