Facebook - Post Settings
This Guide Step covers the settings you can apply to your posts on Facebook, mainly who can see your posts.
Facebook can be an important tool for individuals to spread messages and ideas around the globe. For these reasons, it’s not possible for some people to simply stop using Facebook. However, we continue to be very concerned about the company’s conduct.
Let’s start by checking your default post sharing settings.
If you are accessing Facebook through your browser go to Settings > Privacy > Your Activity > Who can see future posts. We recommend you consider setting your default to Friends or Friends except… which is the same setting with exceptions you can manually add in case you don’t want some friends to be able to see your posts. When set to Public, all your posts can be seen by anyone on or off Facebook.
You can also set who you want to be able to see your friend list, or search your profile through your e-mail or phone number. We recommend you consider keeping these two to yourself.
If you are using the Facebook App go to Menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy Settings > Who can see your future posts?
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