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G: BPD/BCD : Bundle 5 - First supplemental Bundle
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Bulk Personal Datasets & Bulk Communications Data challenge
Index to Supplemental Bundle.pdf
35.42 KB
Tab 1 Orders (Redacted)
640.39 KB
Tab 2 Outline of EU Law Submissions: Claimant 09.02.2017 & Respondent 17.02.2017
590.33 KB
Tab 3 Claimant's RFI and Disclosure concerning the Respondents' evidence on sharing and EU law.pdf
184.24 KB
Tab 4 Amended open response of the Respodnent to Claimant's RFI.pdf
411.61 KB
Tab 5 Respondent's report on searches.pdf
58.13 KB
Tab 6 Claimant's RFI on searches.pdf
107.57 KB
Tab 7 additional doc for GCHQ3.pdf
542.85 KB
Tab 7 Amended GCHQ WS.pdf
265.37 KB
Tab 7 Witness statement of GCHQ3 (GCHQ3 w/s No.2) and exhibit to GCHQ 3
630.68 KB
Tab 8 Witness statemnt of MI5 and exhibit MI5 2.pdf
744.19 KB
Tab 9 (a) Witness statement of SIS.pdf
223.47 KB
Tab 9 (b) Open SIS Witness Statement .pdf
240.42 KB
Tab 9 (c) Further Opened SIS amended statement .pdf
455.7 KB
Tab 10 Witness statement of SIS.pdf
212.19 KB
Tab 11 Witness Statement of GCHQ (GCHQ3 w/s no.3), exhibits in separate folder
576.22 KB
Tab 12 (c) Respondents' Skeleton.pdf
154.49 KB
Tab 12 (d) Respondent's skeleton -sharing section.pdf
58.44 KB
Tab 12 (e) Annex to Respondent's skeleton.pdf
122.17 KB
Tab 12 Skeleton arguments.pdf
2.44 MB
1. GCHQ Exhibit 4 ISC Report March 2015
890.47 KB
2. GCHQ Exhibit 5 Operational Case For Bulk Powers
489.9 KB
3. GCHQ Exhibit 6 A Question of Trust
4.97 MB
4. GCHQ Exhibit 7 IOCCO Report March 2015
2.59 MB
5. GCHQ Exhibit 8 IOCCO s.94 Report July 2016
773.73 KB
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