Photo by Bailey Alexander on Unsplash
We won our case against the UK’s Security Service (MI5) and the Secretary of State for the Home Department (SSHD)
Following on from our initial reaction, we answer some key questions about the judgement below.
After a three year legal battle, together with Liberty, we uncovered long-standing concealment of unlawful conduct and massive over-retention of data by MI5. This conduct was tolerated by the Home Secretary who issued warrants unlawfully despite knowing about signs of MI5’s breaches. This case also revealed that MI5 breached its duty of candour to the IPT in a previous case by withholding crucial information that the agency should have disclosed. This calls the final decision of the IPT in that case into question.
Photo by Bailey Alexander on Unsplash
We won our case against the UK’s Security Service (MI5) and the Secretary of State for the Home Department (SSHD). The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) – the judicial body responsible for monitoring UK’s intelligence and security agencies – held that MI5 acted unlawfully by knowingly holding people’s personal data in systems that were in breach of core legal requirements. MI5 unlawfully retained huge amounts of personal data between 2014 and 2019. During that period, and as a result of these breaches, warrants issued by the SSHD (which authorised bulk data collection & targeted interception by MI5) were unlawful. This amounted to a breach of our right to privacy; it also impacts the privacy of millions of people whose data is handled within these systems.
On 30 January 2023, the IPT issued a decision in case brought by Privacy International and Liberty against MI5 and the SSHD. Following on from our initial reaction, we answer some key questions about the judgment below.
Note: This post reflects our initial response to the judgment and may be updated.
Liberty and Privacy International v the Security Service and Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] UKIPTribl IPT/20/01/CH.
This case was about the limits on MI5’s power to retain and use personal and highly sensitive data about millions of people, as well as the consequences which must flow when MI5 breaches laws and safeguards that have been put in place by Parliament specifically to protect people’s fundamental rights.
The judgement is related to previous challenges we have brought against the UK’s intelligence and security agencies’ surveillance powers. In this case, alongside our co-applicants, Liberty, we were able to reveal and prove long-standing breaches of statutory obligations, and equally as important, their cover-up by MI5 at the highest levels.
You can find out more by heading to our detailed case page about this challenge (Liberty and Privacy International v the Security Service and Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] UKIPTribl IPT/20/01/CH).
In its judgment of 30 January 2023 the IPT found that:
MI5 had a duty to provide “full and frank disclosure” to the SSHD when applying for warrants to carry out surveillance activities which require warrants or authorisation (§134-135).
The judgment found that MI5 failed to comply with requirements related to proper retention, review and disposal (RRD) of the personal data of millions of people (in accordance with the IPA 2016 and RIPA 2000). These failures occurred within specific technology environments used by MI5, code-named “TE” and “TE2 Areas 1 and 2” (see below for more on what the TE is). In other words, MI5 had two seemingly core systems which should have, but did not, have automatic deletion, resulting in the unlawful retention of very large amounts of data, including that harvested using bulk powers.
The judgment was clear in finding that "MI5 had not been forthcoming on the nature, scale and seriousness of the compliance risks referred to in meetings with the Home Office (§104).
While the judgment found that MI5 had been in breach of its obligations since 2014, MI5 only admitted that as early as 2016, the agency “was aware…of a very high risk that it was in breach of its statutory obligations” (§34). That is a full three years before MI5 reported its failings to its oversight bodies.
During the same period in which MI5 was found, in this case, to be in breach of its statutory obligations to implement review, retention and deletion safeguards (2014-2019), MI5 was a party to litigation brought by PI (Privacy International v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and others IPT/15/110/CH). In the course of these proceedings, which took place in 2017, MI5 did not disclose documents or information related to these failures, even though MI5 was aware that these issues existed and that they were relevant to that case. As a result, the IPT in this case found that MI5 breached its duty of candour in those proceedings. The IPT invited PI to submit an application to reopen this case.
In summary, the SSHD failed to make adequate enquiries into the longstanding compliance risk which had been reported to the Home Office on several occasions. The IPT found that the Home Secretary had acted irrationally by failing to make these enquiries (§125) while still continuing to grant warrants and authorisations to MI5 to continue collect personal data that may be handled in the relevant environments.
“The error in the approach of the Home Office was to accept the references to serious risks…as not having any consequences for MI5’s compliance with its statutory obligations. Statements in the form of risk factors could not be relied upon as excusing any actual compliance breaches.” (§106)
Based on the information that became public in the course of the case, we understand that the ‘technical environment’ is a system which holds a vast amount of intelligence material on potentially millions of people. We understand it to be a federated system which is used for data analysis, and the use of ‘technical environment’ suggests something more than simply a compilation of a few datasets or databases.
The judgment relates to MI5’s handling of data held in specific ‘technology environments’ which store and analyse personal data that is obtained by MI5 through warrants and authorisations (§32). These systems held material obtained through targeted surveillance and interception, as well as data obtained from use of bulk powers such as the acquisition of bulk communications data (BCD). Practically, what this means is that the data potentially includes everything from the the content of intercepted communications, to data which is obtained from targeted acquisitions of communications data from telecommunications systems (such as traffic data, location data, subscriber data, and any other data surrounding a communication).
As we’ve said before, communications data can yield information about contacts, as well as the who, what, when, and where of our communications. For example, communications data can reveal map searches, visited websites, location information, as well as information about every device connected to a network.
The IPT’s findings in this case represent a major win for the right to privacy, the importance of the rule of law and the accountability of agencies - such as MI5 - which have wide, sweeping statutory powers to interfere with our privacy.
At the same time, the IPT stopped short of finding that the safeguards contained in the UK’s IPA 2016 are ineffective in practice.
We argued - and still argue - that the fact that oversight bodies such as the Investigatory Powers Commissioner and the Home Office did not find out about MI5’s compliance failures until 2019, after they had been ongoing since (at least) 2016, illustrates that existing safeguards for the protection of our rights are not adequate or effective. In our view, they are therefore not compatible with the fundamental right to privacy. In summary, the safeguards currently in place have systematically failed to provide effective oversight and restraint to prevent unlawful interferences with people’s fundamental rights.
We are also disappointed that the IPT refused to grant further relief including the quashing of warrants issued during the period of unlawful handling and the Home Office’s failed oversight, destruction of data, and damages. Effective oversight and accountability need to include concrete consequences when core safeguards are not followed. The government should take this into consideration during the ongoing Investigatory Powers Act 2016’s review.
Back in 2015, during a critical political moment when the public was asking a lot of questions about the legal powers that the UK’s security and intelligence agencies (SIA) have to access our most personal and sensitive data, the SIAs publicly disclosed, for the first time, that they were acquiring, using, and sharing bulk data – this includes bulk personal datasets and bulk communications data.
The important thing about this type of “bulk” surveillance is that, by the SIA’s own admission, the majority of people whose data is caught in these bulk datasets are unlikely to be threats to national security. So, back in 2015, PI challenged the lawfulness of these powers.
In that case, the IPT found a violation of the law was ongoing up until the use and existence of these bulk surveillance powers was disclosed to the public. However, in relation to the the period after this was disclosed, the Tribunal found that the UK SIA’s bulk surveillance powers were lawful under domestic law and in accordance with the European Convention, precisely because the safeguards that agencies like MI5 claimed they had in place and complied with were found to be adequate and effective to protect people’s fundamental right to privacy & protect against arbitrary or abusive use of the powers of bulk data collection.
So, when it came to light that, in fact MI5 had not been complying with legal safeguards for handling personal and communications data which they collect and hold, we joined this challenge against MI5 and requested that the IPT re-open our case on bulk surveillance, on the basis that the Tribunal had been misled in relation to how MI5 implements safeguards for handling data.
As part of this case, PI has an opportunity to submit an application to re-open our challenge related to how bulk personal datasets and bulk communications data is handled by MI5 and other security agencies.
Intelligence and investigation agencies can play a vital role in protecting the public from serious harm and threats to life. At the same time, it is a basic principle of democratic governance that the way in which intelligence agencies operate should be subjected to robust and effective safeguards and oversight. Litigation which challenges unlawful action by intelligence agencies is one way to ensure the public understands how these institutions are handling our personal and sensitive data. Our ability to take on these kinds of cases to uncover information that the public should know about depends on your support.
Having strong laws and technology which protect privacy is incredibly important, but the most important thing is that people are aware of the issues and are able to influence powerful companies and governments. You can read more about the case, how such surveillance works, and some of the issues it raises by checking ou our long-read.
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To reiterate however, to really ensure that we don’t sleepwalk into a world of ubiquitous state and corporate surveillance, it is essential that people put pressure on governments and corporations - so if there’s one thing you can do, it’s make your voice heard!