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Breyer v. Germany
General data retention obligations interfere with anonymity, which is an integral tool for individuals to protect their rights to privacy and free expression.
Naperville Smart Meter Awareness v. Naperville (US Smart Meters)
Smart meters can generate invasive data on households.
United States v. Levin (and similar cases) (FBI Hacking)
Privacy International highlighted the privacy risks posed by the extraterritorial reach of US warrants authorising hacking operations in a series of amici curiae briefs
The Queen on the application of Privacy International v. Investigatory Powers Tribunal (UK General Hacking Warrants)
Privacy International led landmark litigation on judicial review principles and their applicability to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal
Privacy International and Others v. United Kingdom
Our case at the European Court of Human Rights challenging UK intelligence agency conducting hacking operations outside of the UK.
Apple v FBI
Privacy International filed an amicus curiae brief outlining the international implications of eroding safety features on mobile phones
United States v. Microsoft Corp. (Law Enforcement Cross-Border Data Access)
Privacy International filed an amicus brief to the United States Supreme Court challenging law enforcement access to personal data stored abroad
amaBhungane and Sole challenge
PI intervened in the case challenging the constitutionality of South African surveillance law.
NCA Bahrain Hacking
Privacy International filed a complaint urging the National Crime Agency to investigate the facilitation of surveillance of Bahraini activists by Gamma International UK
NCA Ethiopia Hacking
Privacy International submitted a dossier to the National Crime Agency requesting the investigation of the interception of an Ethiopian activist's communications