Content type: Examples
Workplace surveillance has become a reality in the US in every type of job from financial executives to radiologists to warehouse workers, tracking in detail how workers spend their time. Often, time spent on manual tasks does not register as working time, leading to lost pay or even lost jobs. Workers subjected to electronic surveillance report that they have lost autonomy and that the constant pressure of electronic micromanagement is demoralising, humiliating, and toxic. https://www.…
Content type: Examples
A summary of Karen Levy's 2023 book Data Driven, which studies the installation of electronic logging devices in the cabs of US truckers, removing much of their traditional autonomy. Nominally installed to improve safety, the devices actually are making trucking less safe by pushing experienced drivers out of the profession and removing the flexibility that allows truckers to respond to conditions on the ground. Strategies are needed to ensure that AI does not fundamentally reallocate burdens…
Content type: Examples
Trailing well after their European counterparts, US and Canadian trade unions are just now beginning to push for protections against workplace surveillance. The Communications Workers of America has won requirements that managers notify workers when recording their calls and a guarantee that those calls will not be used to evaluate or discipline workers. AFL-CIO has created a technology institute to build its expertise and policies on AI and other technologies; it will also offer training for…