Content type: Examples
The Spanish data protection regulator AEPD has fined Glovo €550,000 for excessively surveilling delivery drivers and failing to protect their data from abuse by company personnel in other countries. The data includes details of each delivery, all communications exchanged with the platform, and reputation scores. The Spanish regulator was inspired to investigate after a 2020 warning from its Italian counterpart, which was investigating Glovo's Italian food delivery subsidiary, Foodinho. …
Content type: Examples
The Canary Islands sought to become the first destination for a coronavirus-free flight as part of a digital health passport pilot project backed by the World Health Organisation. Via the Hi+Card secure health mobile app that certifies they do not have COVID-19, each passenger will have a unique digital profile on their phone that will hold health information uploaded by a health entity that has been accredited by the Health Ministry. The move will make the archipelago a worldwide laboratory…
Content type: Examples
After some employers were caught asking for such information, in mid-June 2020 the Spanish data protection authority warned that it is a violation of data protection laws to screen job candidates based on whether they have had and recovered from COVID-19 and developed antibodies. This type of information is personal health data and is covered by article 9 of the GDPR.
Writer: AEPD…
Content type: Examples
Spanish police are using drones to warn people to stay indoors apart from necessary trips after seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases. Human officers control the drones and relay via radio warnings to people to leave public parks and return home.
Writer: Charlie Wood
Publication: BusinessInsider
Content type: Examples
On Wednesday, the government of Madrid will launch a free app to track COVID-19 cases similar to those developed in Asian countries such as South Korea, China, and Taiwan. The development is being carried out at no charge by developers from Google, Telefónica, Ferrovial, Goggo Network, Carto, ForceManager and Mendesaltaren, and is led by known entrepreneur Martín Varsavsky. The priority is to lessen the load on emergency numbers through the combination of users' health status and the places…
Content type: Examples
VeriPol, a system developed at the UK's Cardiff University, analyses the wording of victim statements in order to help police identify fake reports. By January 2019, VeriPol was in use by Spanish police, who said it helped them identify 64 false reports in one week and was successful in more than 80% of cases. The basic claim is that AI can find patterns that are common to false statements; among the giveaways experts say that false statements are likely to be shorter than genuine ones, focus…
Content type: Examples
In November 2018, the Spanish senate approved 220-21 an online data protection law intended to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation with an added amendment that allowed political parties to use personal data obtained from web pages and other publicly accessible sources for political purposes during campaign periods. Spain's Platform for the Defence of Freedom of Information criticised the law's potential to allow parties to create ideological profiles and emulate the…