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Content Type: Key Resources
Data protection and privacy
Once you’ve assessed where the data comes from, have you assessed whether the data collection or sharing is lawful?
Is this lawful basis explicitly stated in the documentation of the partnership?
Is the data being collected in ways that people could reasonably expect?
Have the data controllers considered the risks to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people whose data will be collected?
What will the consequences be of people’s data being…
Content Type: Key Resources
Can you broadly define the technology at stake and what it does?
What is the role of data in the technology at stake? (data collection system, data transmission system, data storage system, data processing system)
What are the risks associated with this technology for each particular system?
How innovative and ground-breaking is the technology?
[Optional] What are the risks associated with the innovation factor?
Can you explain how the technology functions in practice?…
Content Type: Video
Giacomo’s report on Europe’s Shady Funds to Border Forces in the Sahel
Giacomo’s report on The European Chase for Saharan Smugglers
Privacy International’s disclosures on the EU’s surveillance aid…
Content Type: Advocacy
Now is the time to strengthen not weaken data protection to keep us all safe. Here we outline some edited areas of our consultation response that highlight the impact of the proposed loss or weakening of many important protections:
The proposal to broadening consent and further processing for research purposes:
PI urges caution with regard to provisions that seek to potentially undermine the strict conditions around obtaining consent. The GDPR placed stronger conditions on obtaining consent…
Content Type: Video
You can check out IRPI Media at
Their series on surveillance (in Italian) is at
Their report on Med-Or (in English) is at
Their report on Cy4Gate (in English) is at
Content Type: Video
In this video we introduce ourselves and explain why we wanted to create the “Teaching about Data” resource and what our goals for the resource are.
Content Type: Report
Privacy International’s submissions for the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration inspection of the Home Office Satellite Tracking Service Programme
The Home Office have introduced 24/7 electronic monitoring and collection of the location data of migrants via GPS ankle tags. This seismic change cannot be overstated. The use of GPS tags and intention to use location data, kept for six years after the tag is removed, in immigration decision-making goes far beyond the mere…
Content Type: Video
Josoor International Solidarity’s website is at
No Name Kitchen’s website
Border Violence Monitoring Network’s Website is at
Their reports documenting violence and trends in Greece and the Balkans route are at
Lighthouse Report’s investigations on pushbacks in the Aegean are available at…
Content Type: Report
El informe se basa en investigación documental y empírica (cualitativa y cuantitativa) realizada por Privacy International (PI) en 2021. Más concretamente, PI envió una encuesta a varios reguladores antimonopolio y a organizaciones de la sociedad civil con sede y/o que operan en diversas partes del mundo.
Las preguntas planteadas a los reguladores y a la sociedad civil versaron sobre su trabajo en la economía digital. Se preguntó a los reguladores y a las OSC si incorporaban consideraciones…
Content Type: Report
The report builds on both desk and empirical (qualitative and quantitative) research that was carried out by Privacy International (PI) in 2021. Specifically, PI sent out a survey to several antitrust regulators and CSOs based and/or operating in various parts of the world. The questions posed to regulators and civil society revolved around their work in the digital economy. Regulators and CSOs were asked to comment on whether and how personal data considerations were incorporated into their…
Content Type: Report
This briefing takes a look at the private intelligence industry, a collection of private detectives, corporate intel firms, and PR agencies working for clients around the world that have made London their hub.
Often staffed by ex-spooks, and promising complete secrecy, little is known about them. But reports over the years have exposed their operations, including things like hacking and targeting of anti-corruption officials, spying on peaceful environment activists, and running fake '…
Content Type: Video
The Enablers by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism
PI's report
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Content Type: Long Read
Here are just 10 of our biggest achievements in 2021.
In 2021 we effectively challenged big tech companies including Google, Facebook, Tecno, and smaller and equally urgent companies like Clearview AI, Web-IQ, Palantir etc. and achieved substantial impact including:
- Popular diet apps include better protections in their products
Many diet sites and apps ask you to take tests to create profiles of your body and eating…
Content Type: Explainer
La guía "Manifestaciones Libres" es un documento que ofrece una serie de propuestas sobre cómo las personas que se manifiestan de forma pacífica deben protegerse durante un evento público. Encontrarás en esta guía descripciones de las herramientas de vigilancia a disposición de las autoridades durante protestas sociales, y cómo puedes protegerte de las mismas.
Puedes descargar la guía desde esta página, de la sección más abajo titulada "Attachments."
This guide was originally…
Content Type: Explainer
La ‘Guía para protegerte digiralmente durante una protesta' es un documento enfocado en Colombia que recopila información básica sobre las capacidades de vigilancia que posee la policía colombiana, y mejores prácticas para evitarla. Encontrarás en esta guía definiciones, explicaciones y recomendaciones sobre la vigilancia a los dispositivos tecnológicos, las comunicaciones, la identidad y las redes sociales de las personas que protestan.
Puedes descargar la guía desde esta página, de la…
Content Type: Explainer
The ‘Guide to Digital Safety and Privacy at Peaceful Protests’ has been produced by 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media.
7amleh has adapted the content of PI's UK Free to Protest guide to fit the Palestinian context. The guide is organized in three sub-guides: (1) a guide to digital safety and privacy at peaceful protests; (2) a guide to surveillance of protesters’ faces and bodies; and (3) a guide to policing databases and predictive policing tools.
This guide was…
Content Type: Explainer
La 'Guía de Protesta' es un documento que buscar concientizar sobre las herramientas tecnológicas que las fuerzas de seguridad podrían utilizar para monitorear e identificar personas en una protesta en Argentina. Encontrarás en esta guía explicaciones de cómo las tecnologías de vigilancia están siendo utilizadas para vigilar las protestas, y cómo puedes protegerte de las mismas.
Puedes descargar la guía desde esta página, de la sección más abajo titulada "Attachments".
This guide was…
Content Type: Video
Italy fine
Our legal action
The ICO decision
Use of Clearview AI by police illegal under Belgian law, says Belgian interior minister
Clearview in Ukraine
Washington Post article
The pledge
Content Type: Advocacy
In line with WHO's commitment to a human rights-based approach to health, Privacy International believes the following elements procedural and substantive elements must be included:
Open, inclusive and multi-stakeholder process
The drafting and negotiation process of this international instrument must allow for the meaningful participation of a wide range of civil society organisations (CSOs) and reflect the commitment from the WHO and Member States to receive and respond to CSOs…