Targeting Governments
From facial recognition to social media monitoring, from remote hacking to the use of mobile
The ways in which we're called to identify ourselves is changing, and leaving us open to
Increasingly counter-terrorism strategies and policies are decided at the international level, most
Rising concerns around austerity, transparency, efficiency and financial management have fed into a
Trade, and the people who negotiate trade agreements, fundamentally misunderstand data, privacy and
Powerful countries encourage and enable other governments to deploy advanced surveillance
Our data stored in the cloud is increasingly sought after by law enforcement agencies. Increasingly
UK local authorities (Councils) are looking at people’s social media accounts, such as Facebook, as
Governments are secretly collaborating with private companies. Here is why PI is concerned about
This was a campaign to take action with us and write to Priti Patel, the UK Home Secretary, to
The 'Free to Protest' campaign highlights the range of surveillance tools that the police can use to
Fighting the GPS tagging of migrants in the UK's 'hostile environment'
The United Nations have initiated a process to negotiate an international treaty on cybercrime (more
Students shouldn’t have to trade their right to privacy in order to access their right to an