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This podcast is part of a special series from PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project.
The series comes out on the last Monday of every month.
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Content Type: Video
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
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Content Type: Video
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
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Episode notes
Useful info
How to minimise targeted ads:
Protect yourself from online tracking:
Social media account settings:…
Content Type: Video
Gus talks to two of PI's lawyers - Ailidh and Ioannis - to find out why we're telling the EU commission to block the merger.
Find out more and sign the petition at:
Music: Last Chance Saloon by Sepia
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Content Type: Video
Immediately following the UK general election in December 2019, we worked with Open Rights Group to commission a YouGov poll about public understanding and public opinion about the use of data-driven campaigning in elections.
The poll used a representative sample of 1,664 adults across the UK population.
'Data-driven political campaigning' is about using specific data about you to target specific messages at you. So, for this might involve knowing that you are, for example, likely to…
Content Type: Video
This podcast is part of a special series from PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project.
The series comes out on the last Monday of every month.
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
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and more...
Content Type: Video
You can find out more about Haki na Sheria here:
Find out more about double registration in Keren's piece "In Kenya, thousands left in limbo without ID cards" in CodaStory:
Find out more about the Huduma Namba case on our website:
You can listen and…
Content Type: Video
Given everything that's happening at the moment around the world, we've decided to postpone our episode on ID in Kenya until next week.
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
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And more...
Some of the resources we mentioned in the episode can be found here:
ACLU: know your rights:…
Content Type: Video
A quick catch-up on the state of play of apps round the world - though we end up mostly discussing India and the UK - and we celebrate a very special birthday.
You can find a much deeper and more detailed look at the various questions and concerns around coronavirus apps on our website: and all the latest news in our tracker…
Content Type: Video
This week Gus chats with Edin, PI's Advocacy Director, about the latest Covid-19 news and the trends we're seeing around the world.
Find out more about coronavirus apps around the world: and keep an eye on the global responses:
Music by Glass boy - licensed under creative commons
Find more from them here:…
Content Type: Video
Tech companies, governments, and international agencies have all announced measures to help contain the spread of the COVID-19, otherwise known as the Coronavirus. Unprecedented levels of surveillance, data exploitation, and misinformation are being tested across the world.
Many of those measures are based on extraordinary powers, only to be used temporarily in emergencies. Others use exemptions in data protection laws to share data. Some may be effective and based on advice from…
Content Type: Video
PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project speaks with Nandini Archer from the 50/50 Project at Open Democracy about how Heartbeat International is coordinating and promoting misleading health information globally information through it’s international affiliates.
More here:
Content Type: Video
PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project speaks with Dr. Subasri Narasimhan and Dr. Dabney Evans from the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in the US about their paper which documents how misleading health information about reproductive health can flow into policy and legislative debates.
More here:
A narrative analysis of anti-abortion testimony and legislative debate related to Georgia’s fetal “heartbeat”…
Content Type: Video
PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project speaks with Ruth Taylor, the CEO of the UK-based charity Abortion Support Network about how opposition groups are using misinformation to delay people from accessing safe abortion care.
More here:
Content Type: Video
PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project speaks with Tasneem Mewa and Ambika Tandon from the Center for Internet and Society about data exploitation in reproductive rights in India.
This podcast is part of a special series from PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project.
The series comes out on the last Monday of every month.
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
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Content Type: Video
This week: it's a weird one - rather than our normal look at technology, we've got recommendations for movies and games you might enjoy while you're locked down.
Music by Simon Mathewson, you can find more from him here:
Recommendations include:
Sorry to Bother You
Legally Blonde
S-Club Seeing Double
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Hidden in plain site
Don't starve
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where…
Content Type: Video
We can’t believe we’re having to say this, but the hours after giving birth are private. If you’re a parent, you may have heard of Bounty, a sales and marketing company allowed access to hospital maternity wards and approach women who have just given birth. This doesn’t happen on any other hospital ward. Can you imagine coming round from major surgery to find a stranger trying to sell you stuff? The physical invasion of privacy is bad enough, but delving into the company’s relationship with…
Content Type: Video
You’re a witness or a victim or a suspect of a crime; or even just travelling going on holiday. Officials demand your phone, then disappear with it. What happened to your phone? What happened to your data? What will happen to you?
We all generate vast amounts of data using our mobile phones - more than most of us are aware of - and that data has become increasingly attractive to law enforcement agencies around the world, enabled by ‘extraction technologies’ supplied by companies like…
Content Type: Video
Find out why 53 organisations from all over the world are telling Google it's time they take action on pre-installed apps (bloatware).
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
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Music by Glass Boy, find more of their work here:
Content Type: Long Read
Over the coming months, PI is going to start to look a bit different. We will have a new logo and a whole new visual identity.
And in turn, our new visual identity will only be one step in a wider process of PI reconnecting with our core mission and communicating it more effectively to you, following on from extensive consultation with our staff, board, our supporters and our international partners.
Our current black ‘redacted’ Privacy International logo, and the austere Cold War era dossier…
Content Type: Video
Christopher Weatherhead and Eva Blum-Dumontet Discuss the finding of Privacy International's report on the MyPhone MYA2 from the Philippines
Content Type: Video
Research by Privacy International revealed some menstruation apps share sensitive personal data, including their user's health data and data about their sexual lives. Christopher Weatherhead - Technology lead at Privacy International - interviews Eva Blum-Dumontet, project manager for "No Body's Business But Mine" about the findings of the research.
Content Type: Video
Watch our video primer (1m54s) on how political advertisers use highly detailed data about you to target political adverts at you.
Read about some simple steps you can take to minimise the amount of political ads you see online and questions you can be asking of those that profit from your data.
Content Type: Video
In April 2019 Ukraine held presidential elections. We were in Kyiv to hear about people's experience monitoring online disinformation – a big issue in this election. Activists in Ukraine have long experience navigating the noisy and chaotic environment that disinformation creates – which comes not only from Russia, but also from domestic politicians and others with money and power.
At PI, we’re working to make sure that the way data is used by political actors and…
Content Type: Explainer graphic
You can also read a more detailed explainer about police hacking here.
Content Type: Explainer graphic
You can also read a more detailed explainer about social media intelligence (SOCMINT) here.
Content Type: Video
Video courtesy of CPDP (
What is the impact of online gender-based violence on survivors? What should be the role of companies in fighting this phenomenon? What is the link between the right to privacy? In this panel, which took place at CPDP in February 2019, academics, civil society and government representatives discuss the issue of online gender based violence with a privacy lens.
Chair: Gloria González Fuster, VUB -LSTS (BE)
Moderator: Valerie…
Content Type: Explainer graphic
You can also read a more detailed explainer about body worn video cameras here.
Content Type: Explainer graphic
You can also read a more detailed explainer about facial recognition cameras here.