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Content Type: Examples
Police have ordered protests in Hong Kong to stop, citing social distancing rules. The renewed protests are to oppose the Chinese plan to write a new national security law for Hong Kong, as well as a separate plan by Hong Kong officials to criminalise disrespect for the Chinese national anthem. Many believe the protests will escalate as social distancing restrictions ease.
Writer: Vivan Wang and Austin Ramzy
Content Type: Examples
Technical flaws in Moscow's app, intended to track people with COVID-19 and symptoms of other respiratory diseases, led the authorities to wrongly fine hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of people, alleging they had breached self-quarantine. The app was originally launched at the end of March, but had to be taken down and relaunched in late April, when Moscow's mayor decreed that anyone displaying symptoms of a respiratory disease, as well as those testing positive for COVID-19, and anyone…
Content Type: Examples
In a preprint study of primary sewage sludge from a northeastern US metropolitan area, researchers detected SARS-CoV-2 RNA in all environmental samples and found that the concentrations of virus RNA were highly correlated with the COVID-19 epidemiological curve and local hospital admissions. The RNA concentrations were a seven-day leading indicator ahead of compiled COVID-19 testing data, and led hospital admissions by three days. Collecting environmental samples at a wastewater treatment…
Content Type: Examples
The lower house of the French parliament paved the way for the launch of the government's independently-developed contact tracing app. The minister in charge, technology minister Cedric O, praised the app, developed by companies such as Orange and Dassault Systemes, as a French project "with the excellence but also the panache and some would say the stubbornness which characterises our country". O added that although 22 other countries have opted to use the Google/Apple platform, it was not a…
Content Type: Examples
As part of a survey of the human rights compliance of contact tracing apps Amnesty International's Security Lab discovered that security vulnerabilities in Qatar's mandatory contact tracing app, EHTERAZ, would have allowed attackers to access the personal information, including name, national ID, health status, and location data, of the app's more than 1 million users because the central server did not have security measures in place to protect the data. The authorities fixed the problem within…
Content Type: Examples
On the day South Korea relaxed its social distancing measures, a 29-year-old man tested positive for COVID-19. The previous weekend, he had visited five nightclubs in the gay district of Itweon in Seoul, mingling with around 7,200 other people. After nearly 80 new COVID-19 cases have been linked to that one man's outing, the mayor ordered all clubs and bars closed indefinitely, and led officials to push back reopening schools by a week. Soon aftewards, another infected man was found to have…
Content Type: Examples
Contact tracing apps will only work effectively if people trust them and install them in sufficient numbers. Soon after its launch, however, the North Dakota contact tracing app people were already dropping it after posting complaints in the Google App store. In a survey of 798 Americans, researchers at Microsoft Research, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Zurich found that nearly half said they would not install a COVID-19 contact tracing app that has false negatives or could…
Content Type: Examples
South Korea's second spike in coronavirus cases was curbed via a contact tracing regime that uses credit card records, mobile phone tracking, and GPS location data in order to track the previous movements of infected individuals working alongside efficient diagnostic testing. Successfully tracing an outbreak in Itaewon to a gay barhopper, however, led to reports of homophobic abuse targeted at the South Korean LGBTQIA community, and online criticism has led some who should be self-isolating to…
Content Type: Examples
The best contact tracers in US history were a group of mid-20th century venereal disease investigators working for a programme at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention whose strategy eventually led to the eradication of smallpox in the 1970s. Talking to infected people and tracking down their vague descriptions of contacts at a time when VD was a source of shame was challenging; recruits were required to have a college degree, preferably in liberal arts, and a varied background of work…
Content Type: Examples
Local health authorities in Germany have relied on human contact tracers since the country confirmed its first COVID-19 cases early in 2020, and say that doing so has helped the country keep its death rate comparatively low even with a less restrictive lockdown than many other countries. Germany aims to have 16,000 contract tracers overall, or five for every 25,000 people. Tracing involves phoning each newly-diagnosed patient and asking their movements; those who have been in close contact for…
Content Type: Examples
NHS Digital has added facial recognition to its app, which allows people to order prescriptions, book appointments, and find health care data, in hopes it will also be usable as an "immunity passport" once at-home testing becomes available. The NHS facial recognition system was built by iProov, and is available in England for both Android and iOS devices; users enroll by submitting a photo of themselves from an official document such as a passport or driving licence and then using the phone to…
Content Type: Examples
Estonia has begun testing its Immuunsuspass app, which was developed for the Back to Work NGO by the Estonian technology firms Transferwise and Guardtime working with health specialists. The app, which is intended to help schools and employers make decisions, will have to pass scientific consensus before being approved for use. It allows users to access COVID-19 test results for an hour after proving their identity, and issues them with a QR code valid for one minute that they can use to show…
Content Type: Examples
Numerous companies are repurposing their body monitors, asset trackers, and electronic ankle monitors and marketing them to the newly-created market for strap-on surveillance bracelets to enforce quarantine and social distancing including companies such as AiRISTA Flow. Redpoint Positioning Corporation, Israel-based SuperCom.
Writer: Sam Biddle
Publication: The Intercept
Content Type: Examples
Latvia became one of the first countries to use Apple's and Google's new joint toolkit to launch a smartphone contact tracing app, Apturi Covid. For now, the app will only work for Latvia's 2 million citizens, but the intention is that it should interoperate with the apps other countries to aid travellers.
Writer: Reuters
Publication: Euractiv
Content Type: Examples
An Ipsos MORI survey conducted on May 20-22 found generally high levels of compliance with lockdown restrictions, though many were suffering. While roughly three-quarters were confident they could download and operate a contact tracing app and would be willing to comply with its recommendations, only 40% were confident or fairly confident that they could trust the government to protect their and other people's data, and only 42% were confident or fairly confident that the app could help limit…
Content Type: Case Study
Students around the world are quickly turning into training-data for intrusive facial recognition technology. In Sweden, the national Data Protection Authority (DPA) ruled that students at Anderstorp High School in Skellefteå had their right to privacy violated by the testing of facial recognition software to take attendance.
The Skellefteå school board invited a private company, Tieto, to install facial recognition cameras across classrooms that would automatically register students’ class…
Content Type: Guide step
Es importante asegurarte de que solo permitas que accedan a Instagram las aplicaciones que verdaderamente lo necesitan.
Para ello, tendrás que utilizar la interfaz web con cualquier navegador en tu teléfono o computadora:
Después de iniciar la sesión, toca el ícono de persona en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla, y luego toca el ícono de engranaje.
Ve a Apps autorizadas y revisa qué aplicaciones tienen acceso a tus datos.
Si ves una aplicación que no debería estar ahí, toca…
Content Type: Guide step
A lot of third-party apps ask you to get access to your Instagram data. This is the case with social media managing apps for example. The more apps have private information on you, the more likely it is that information can be misused. So it is important to make sure that you only allow Instagram access to apps that really need it. You can do this from your web browser or using the app.
On the Web:
After logging in, click the person icon on the upper-right corner of the screen, and then…
Content Type: Guide step
Avísale a la gente que no quieres que publiquen tu foto sin tu consentimiento.
No publiques fotos de otras personas sin su consentimiento.
No publiques información delicada en tus fotos o en las leyendas.
No reveles tu ubicación/asegúrate de que los detalles en el fondo no revelen tu ubicación.
No uses hashtags que podrían revelar datos privados (o la ubicación).
Ten cautela cuando publiques fotos de tus hijos en las redes sociales.
Si inicias una sesión de tu cuenta Instagram en otros…
Content Type: Guide step
Even with the tightest privacy settings it's important to acknowledge that the way you and others use the app can still be compromising in terms of sensitive data being shared. In addition to in-app settings there's a few good practices that you should keep in mind:
Let people know that you don't want your picture posted without your consent - if you make your profile private because you don't want unknown people to have access to photos of you, then you should make sure there are no…
Content Type: Guide step
Sugerimos que utilices la autenticación de dos factores, porque implica un paso adicional de seguridad para entrar a tu cuenta. Al hacerlo, además de pedir tu nombre de usuario y contraseña, Instagram verificará tu identidad enviando un código exclusivo a tu dispositivo.
Esto se puede hacer por SMS (mensaje de texto) o utilizando una aplicación de autenticación que sugiera Instagram. Veamos las dos maneras.
En la aplicación móvil:
Ve a tu perfil tocando el ícono de la esquina inferior…
Content Type: Guide step
We suggest using Two-Factor authentication, as it provides an extra security step in order to access your account. This way, besides asking for your username and password, Instagram will verify your identity by sending a unique code to your device.
This can be done using an authentication app or by SMS (text message). Let's go through both although you should be wary that SMS might not be the most secure.
On mobile app:
Go to your profile by clicking the bottom right corner icon. Then tap…
Content Type: Guide step
Blocking an account on Instagram will make them unable to find your profile, stories and posts. When you block a profile, they do not get a notification about your action. Blocking an account means you will stop getting notifications from that same account and it also means you cannot follow an account you have blocked. Keep in mind that if your profile is set to public, anyone that you have blocked can find you if they login through another account.
On the mobile app or on your browser (…
Content Type: Guide step
Si quieres tomar medidas más fuertes, bloquear a alguien en Instagram impedirá que encuentre tu perfil, tus historias y tus mensajes. Cuando bloqueas a alguien, Instagram no le notificará tu acción a esa persona. Cuando bloqueas a alguien dejarás de recibir las notificaciones que vengan de esa persona. No podrás seguir cuentas que hayas bloqueado. Ten en cuenta que si tu cuenta está configurada como pública, las personas que hayas bloqueado podrán encontrarte si se conectan con otra cuenta.
Content Type: News & Analysis
Traduction réalisée par Nadine Blum.
Le 29 mai, le Congrès nigérien a voté une loi permettant au gouvernement d’intercepter largement certaines communications électroniques. La loi rend légale l’interception de communications, autorisée par le gouvernement, sans protections appropriées ni mécanismes de contrôle.
La loi a été adoptée avec 104 votes pour – le Parlement nigérien compte 171 membres – et sans la participation de l’opposition qui a boycotté la loi. L’opposition a affirmé…
Content Type: Long Read
1. What are the barriers to access safe and legal abortion care?
The Indian state’s approach to reproductive rights historically has focused on population control rather than enhancing individual autonomy and removing structural barriers to reproductive health services, which is reflected in the barriers to provision of services. As a consequence of the early adoption of family planning and population control measures in the 1950s, India was one of the first countries to legislate on abortion…
Content Type: Guide step
En la aplicación móvil:
Ve a tu perfil tocando el ícono de la esquina inferior derecha. Luego toca el icono de las tres franjas en la parte superior derecha y elige Configuración.
Ve a Privacidad y entonces podrás cambiar la Privacidad de la cuenta de pública a privada.
En la web:
En la página web de Instagram toca el ícono superior derecho para ir a tu perfil. Después, toca el ícono de engranaje para ir a Configuración.
Selecciona Privacidad y seguridad y luego podrás…
Content Type: Guide step
This is the first step in improving your privacy on Instagram. When you first create your account, it is set as "public" by default, meaning anybody can find it and see what you share.
Making your account private lets you share your content with a select group of people that you care about. Anyone else that might want to access it needs to send you a follow request to get your approval first.
On mobile app:
Go to your profile by clicking the bottom right corner icon. Then tap the three…
Content Type: Video
Given everything that's happening at the moment around the world, we've decided to postpone our episode on ID in Kenya until next week.
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast where ever you normally find your podcasts:
Apple podcasts
Google podcasts
Pocket Casts
And more...
Some of the resources we mentioned in the episode can be found here:
ACLU: know your rights:…
Content Type: Long Read
This research was commissioned as part of Privacy International’s global research into data exploitative technologies used to curtail women’s access to reproductive rights. Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project. Read about Privacy International’s Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project here and our research findings here.
1. What are the barriers to access safe and legal abortion care?
In Kenya, access to abortion care is restricted by the Constitution, which provides that: “…