Instagram - Good practices

Last modified
7th January 2021
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Guide app/software

Even with the tightest privacy settings it's important to acknowledge that the way you and others use the app can still be compromising in terms of sensitive data being shared. In addition to in-app settings there's a few good practices that you should keep in mind:


  • Let people know that you don't want your picture posted without your consent - if you make your profile private because you don't want unknown people to have access to photos of you, then you should make sure there are no photos of you being posted somewhere else.
  • Don’t post photos of other people without their consent
  • Don’t post sensitive information in your photos or captions - this includes document with your identity or credit cards
  • Don’t reveal your location/make sure the location is not revealed by background details - If you don't want your location to be known you should be wary of your background. Something as simple as a monument, or even a power socket can be used to determine your approximate location.
  • Don’t use hashtags that may reveal private data (or the location)
  • Be wary when posting photos of children on social media
  • If you log into your Instagram account from other devices (public / shared), make sure you log out every time

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