Ask your local UK police force about cloud extraction
Take action and send a FOIA to your local UK police force asking them if they use cloud extraction technology.

You should know what new technologies police are deploying on your local community. We want to find out if UK police are using cloud extraction tech, what law exists to protect your rights and what safeguards are in place. We need your help.
If you are not based in the UK but have a FOIA regime in your country you can still use our template text below and check if there is a FOIA platform to use here to send it in your own country.
Simple steps to take
1. Copy the text below
2. Click the name of the police force below who you want to send a FOIA too. This will send you to 'whatdotheyknow.com' website where we have pre-filled in the 'To' and 'Summary' box.
3. Paste in the text you have copied from below, which is the request itself, into the 'Your request' box.
4. Add your name/signature at the bottom after 'Yours faithfully'
5. Click 'Preview your public request' and check you are happy with the text
6. Click 'Send and publish request'
7. Tweet that you have sent the FOIA using #CloudExtraction and tagging @privacyint so we can keep track e.g.
"I've sent a FOIA to my local police force asking if they use #CloudExtraction technology @privacyint"
If you don't want to tweet that you have sent a FOIA it would be great if you could let us know via [email protected]. We will also check whatdotheyknow.com.
8. When we see that a FOIA has gone to a police force, we will strike through their name on the list below and add a link to the submitted request so you can follow its progress.
9. Check the progress of your FOIA and email us any questions via [email protected]
Text to copy into your FOIA request
I am aware that companies are selling technologies to law enforcement that allow them to take vast quantities of personal data from cloud-based apps and accounts. You can read more [https://privacyinternational.org/long-read/3300/cloud-extraction-technology-secret-tech-lets-government-agencies-collect-masses-data].
I make the following request for documents/information under the Freedom of Information Act:
1. Do you use mobile phone extraction technology that includes cloud analytics / cloud extraction capabilities e.g. Cellebrite UFED Cloud Analyser, Magnet Axiom Cloud or Oxygen Forensics Cloud Extractor
2. Do you have other technologies that allow you to access cloud-based accounts and extract this data.
3. Please provide a copy of the relevant Data Protection Impact Assessment.
4. Please provide a copy of the relevant local and/or national guidance/standard operating procedure/policy.
5. Please confirm the legal basis you rely on to conduct cloud analytics/extraction.
Avon and Somerset : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Bedfordshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
British Transport Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
British Transport Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Cambridgeshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Cheshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
City of London Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Cleveland Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Cumbria Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [REFUSED s.31]
Derbyshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Dorset Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Dorset Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Durham Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Dyfed Powys Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Essex Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Gloucestershire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Greater Manchester Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Greater Manchester Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Gwent Police : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
Hampshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
Hampshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted. (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Hertfordshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted.[Awaiting Response]
Hertfordshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted. (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Humberside Police : This FOIA has been submitted [REFUSED]
Humberside Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Kent Police : This FOIA has been submitted [RESPONDED]
Lancashire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted
Leicestershire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Lincolnshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Merseyside Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Metropolitan Police Service : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Norfolk Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Northamptonshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Northamptonshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Northumbria Police : This FOIA has been submitted [RESPONDED. No information held]
North Wales Police : This FOIA has been submitted
North Wales Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate)
North Yorkshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Nottinghamshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted [REFUSED]
Nottinghamshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate) [REFUSED]
Nottinghamshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Police Scotland : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
Police Service Northern Ireland : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
South Wales Police : This FOIA has been submitted [RESPONDED]
South Yorkshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted [Awaiting Response]
South Yorkshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted (duplicate)
Staffordshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
Suffolk Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
Suffolk Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted. (duplicate) [Awaiting Response]
Surrey Police : This FOIA has been submitted.
Sussex Police : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
Thames Valley Police : This FOIA has been submitted.
Thames Valley Police : This FOIA has been submitted. (duplicate)
Thames Valley Police : This FOIA has been submitted. (duplicate)
Warwickshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted.
West Mercia Police : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
West Midlands Police : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
West Yorkshire Police : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
Wiltshire Constabulary : This FOIA has been submitted [RESPONDED]
Ministry of Defence Police : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]
Serious Fraud Office : This FOIA has been submitted. [Awaiting Response]