
Examples, Explainer, Educational Case Study, Course, Guide

15 Jul 2020
Human Rights Watch reports that drug cartels and rebel groups are imposing their own lockdowns in rural areas of Colombia and using WhatsApp chats and pamphlets to advise local residents of curfew hours, transport shutdowns, and other bans that are far more strict than those imposed by the
04 May 2020
Immunity passports would impose artificial restrictions on who can and cannot participate in social, civic, and economic activities, and create a perverse incentive for individuals, particularly those who can’t afford a period of exclusion, to seek out infection, posing a health risk to anyone they
02 Aug 2020
The French data protection authority, CNIL, has examined the French contact tracing app and ruled that it is not fully compliant with the provisions of GDPR and the French data protection law. CNIL’s primary complaint was that the app transferred the news that a user had been infected to all their
10 Jul 2020
Hundreds of trucks carrying goods and humanitarian aid from Cameroon’s Douala sea port to Central African Republic are stranded at the border because testing kits are in short supply; under an agreement, Cameroon drivers who test negative are supposed to be granted access. Results of tests completed
06 Aug 2020
Following trials in Leicester, Luton, and Blackburn with Darwen, the UK government will assign teams of health care professionals to more than ten local authorities and offer them Public Health England’s near real-time data on infections and a dedicated team of contact tracers, shifting away from
18 Jul 2020
Several people have been arrested in Bangladesh for issuing bogus documentation to people who have not been tested for the coronavirus showing they are not infected. Such documents are required for migrant workers, who need to show that they are virus-free when they arrive at their overseas
15 Jul 2020
Egyptian doctors are reporting that they are being threatened for speaking and posting publicly about working conditions as they struggle in a medical system overwhelmed by the coronavirus. At least seven members of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate, a quasi-governmental body that represents health
30 Aug 2020
Human rights experts have accused the home secretary, Priti Patel, of ignoring legal guidance in an attempt to target child asylum seekers who cannot prove they are under 18. A letter from the Home Office, seen by the Observer, reveals that the government is putting pressure on social workers to
13 Sep 2020
Around 8,800 children have been deported from the United States along the Mexican border thanks to a new pandemic-related measure that functionally stripped the rights of those seeking asylum. Donald Trump’s administration has expelled nearly 160,000 people since the emergency order proclaimed by
Guide step

The HTTP referrer header can be very revealing in the context of online tracking. Learn how you can change the policy in Vivaldi to force the browser to include the minimum information in this header or even block it entierely.

Guide step

The HTTP referrer header can be very revealing in the context of online tracking. Learn how you can change the policy in Opera to force the browser to include the minimum information in this header or even block it entierely.

Guide step

The HTTP referrer header can be very revealing in the context of online tracking. Learn how you can change the policy in Chrome to force the browser to include the minimum information in this header or even block it entierely.

Guide step

The HTTP referrer header can be very revealing in the context of online tracking. Learn how you can change the policy in Firefox to force the browser to include the minimum information in this header or even block it entierely.


PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project speaks with Maite Karstanje and Nadia Ferrari from Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (ELA) in Argentina, which works with Latin American feminist institutions to promote and defend human rights and gender justice in the region, about reproductive rights in the country.

06 May 2020
The Australian government reported soon after releasing its CovidSafe contact tracing app that the app doesn’t work properly on iPhones because it doesn’t use Apple’s Exposure Notification framework and the Bluetooth functions deteriorate if the app isn’t kept running in the foreground. The
07 May 2020
Colombia will adopt the Apple-Google contact tracing platform after finding it necessary to remove the contact tracing functions from CoronApp, the official Colombian coronavirus information app because they didn’t work. CoronApp was downloaded by 4.3 million people, and includes features to report