News and Analysis

N&A, Long Reads, Press Release

Long Read

Privacy International presents how the use of social media monitoring by governments and companies is an increasingly prevalent one, and as this article explores, largely unregulated. 

News & Analysis

In the span of three months, two UK courts and one regulatory authority handed down rulings on the UK's GPS tagging of migrants, dealing serious blows to the legality of the policy. We delve into these three rulings and their implications for people and the wider policy.

Long Read
Introduction For years PI has been exposing and advocating against the use of facial recognition technology (FRT) and the grave threats it poses to our rights. This highly invasive technology is paving the way to a dystopian, biometric surveillance state, where everyone is identified and tracked
Long Read

In June 2023, PI conducted a survey of UK MPs through YouGov, which highlighted their startling lack of knowledge of the use of facial recognition technology (FRT) in their own constituencies, inspiring our new campaign about 'The End of Privacy in Public'.

Long Read

In 2021 Privacy International continued to produced real change by challenging governments and corporations that use data and technology to exploit us. And, we produced substantial impact that directly affects each of us.

News & Analysis

Background Today judgment has been handed down in the landmark case of [R (HM and MA and KH) v Secretary of State for the Home Department](

News & Analysis

PI, together with 5 other human rights groups, has submitted a complaint to the European Ombudsman calling for an investigation into EU surveillance aid to non-EU countries

News & Analysis

A year and a half after OpenAI first released ChatGPT, generative AI still makes the headlines and gathers attention and capital. But what is the future of this technology in an online economy dominated by surveillance capitalism? And how can we expect it to impact our online lives and privacy?

Long Read

Increasingly we have seen mass surveillance measures being introduced at sports events, impeding the enjoyment of the right to privacy and right to participate in sporting life.

Long Read

Here is a selection of our biggest achievements in 2023.

News & Analysis

The UK's data protection authority (ICO) took action against the Home Office's GPS tagging of migrants.

Press release

Privacy International (PI) has just published new research into UK Members of Parliament’s (startling lack of) knowledge on the use of Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) in public spaces, even within their own constituencies. 

Long Read

Building on our response to the government’s plans, this piece explains why what they want to do puts every one of us at risk.

News & Analysis

As Pakistan prepares to enact the Draft Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 we raise concerns on the opaque process which will see the bill become law and the content of the bill itself.

Press release

Suite à une plainte de Privacy International déposée en 2018, la société française d'AdTech Criteo s'est vue infliger une amende de 40 millions d'euros pour avoir failli à s'assurer que les personnes concernées avaient donné leur consentement au traitement de leurs données, ainsi que pour le manque d'information et de transparence qui leur était fourni par Criteo, et l'impossibilité d'exercer pleinement leurs droits.