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(Still) Challenging mass interception from the UK: HRW and others v UK
The applicants challenged the UK’s mass interception regime following PI’s campaign and support. As part of a friendly settlement reached by the parties in this case, the UK government admits that they violated the applicants’ rights to privacy and freedom of expression.
Demanding a remedy for everyone: who can challenge UK's secret surveillance?
Seven applicants sought review from the European Court of Human Rights of the UK Investigatory Powers Tribunal’s refusal to hear their challenges to the UK intelligence services mass intercpetion practices. Their legal action was a result of PI’s campaign and support
Bodinier and others v France
PI intervened to emphasise the legal standards applicable to redress mechanisms available to victims of unlawful surveillance
R (HM and MA and KH) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Privacy International intervened in a landmark case brought in the UK courts by asylum seekers against mobile phone seizures and data extraction. Judgment was handed down on 25 March 2022. The High Court found that the secret and blanket policy of the UK Home Office to seize and search migrants'
Podchasov v. Russia
In December 2021, PI intervened in a case before the European Court of Human Rights which, among others, deals with a disclosure order that would facilitate “the decoding of communications”.
Challenge to UK government’s Encryption Meetings with Big Tech
On 24 September 2021, PI submitted a complaint to the UK’s data protection authority - the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) challenging the Home Office’s refusal to provide information about its meetings with tech companies around encryption.
Challenging TikTok's exploitation of children's data
PI supports the claim brought against TikTok in the Netherlands by the Foundation Take Back Your Privacy, which alleges that TikTok exploits the personal data of children users in violation of their privacy and data protection rights.
Complaint on EU surveillance transfers to third countries
PI and 5 other human rights organisations are calling on the European Ombudsman to investigate evidence that several EU bodies are supporting surveillance in non-EU countries in breach of EU rules.
Pietrzak and others v Poland
PI, together with Article19 and EFF intervened to outline how unrestricted surveillance of communications data interferences with the right to privacy and threatens freedom of expression.
Salman Butt v the United Kingdom
In March 2021 Privacy International intervened in a case in the European Court of Human Rights which challenges the use of social media intelligence by governmental agencies.