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OECD Complaint v. BT et al. (Facilitating UK Fibre-Optic Cable Access)
Privacy International made a complaint against six UK-based telecom companies on the grounds that they had permitted GCHQ to access their fibre optic networks, breaching OECD Guidelines.
Colombia Police Code
Privacy International filed an intervention at the Colombian Constitutional court challenging the mass surveillance provisions contained in the Colombian Police Code.
Hungary Data Retention 2015
Privacy International challenged the compatibility of the Hungarian Electronic Communications Act with EU law in an intervention before the Hungarian Constitutional Court.
France Data Retention 2016
Privacy International filed an intervention at the Conseil d'État in support of a claim seeking to abrogate legislation enabling indiscriminate data retention
Application Number 2016Heonma388 (Korea Subscriber Data Access)
Privacy International submitted an intervention to the Korean Constitutional Court challenging provisions of the Telecommunications Business Act
Szabo v. Hungary (Hungary Mass Surveillance)
Privacy International intervened in a case before the European Court of Human Rights successfully challenging the unfettered use of surveillance measures as part of anti-terrorism legislation
A landmark case before the European Court of Justice on communications data retention where PI had intervened.
Doe v. Cisco
Privacy International filed an amicus brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in a case challenging the use of Cisco technology for the persecution of the Falun Gong minority in China.
Smolen & Greenpeace Poland v Poland
PI intervened in a case challenging the covert surveillance of activists and human rights defenders through intrusive technologies.
Nabrdalik v Poland
PI together with ARTICLE 19 intervened at the European Court of Human Rights to submit that digital device seizures and extraction performed at the border interfere with the rights to privacy and freedom of expression, in particular when performed on journalists.