Content type: Advocacy
In January 2024, the ILO published a report, Realizing Decent Work in the Platform Economy, following a decision by the ILO Governing Body that the 2025 and 2026 International Labour Conferences would discuss standard-setting on decent work in the platform economy. The report - and the new ILO standard in development - are of interest to Privacy International because of the impacts on workers' privacy and autonomy that arise from the growing use of invasive surveillance practices and…
Content type: Explainer
Behind every machine is a human person who makes the cogs in that machine turn - there's the developer who builds (codes) the machine, the human evaluators who assess the basic machine's performance, even the people who build the physical parts for the machine. In the case of large language models (LLMs) powering your AI systems, this 'human person' is the invisible data labellers from all over the world who are manually annotating datasets that train the machine to recognise what is the colour…
Content type: Examples
New rules rolled out by India's app-based home services platform Urban Company require its more than 52,000 workers to maintain ratings of a minimum of 4.7 (out of 5), accept 70% of job leads, and cancel only four jobs a month. The company says the rules are intended to improve customer experience and raise standards, and may increase its requirements to 80% acceptance and three cancellations. Workers who don't meet the requirements must attend online (free) or offline (fee-bearing) training,…
Content type: Examples
Workplace surveillance has become a reality in the US in every type of job from financial executives to radiologists to warehouse workers, tracking in detail how workers spend their time. Often, time spent on manual tasks does not register as working time, leading to lost pay or even lost jobs. Workers subjected to electronic surveillance report that they have lost autonomy and that the constant pressure of electronic micromanagement is demoralising, humiliating, and toxic. https://www.…
Content type: Examples
A summary of Karen Levy's 2023 book Data Driven, which studies the installation of electronic logging devices in the cabs of US truckers, removing much of their traditional autonomy. Nominally installed to improve safety, the devices actually are making trucking less safe by pushing experienced drivers out of the profession and removing the flexibility that allows truckers to respond to conditions on the ground. Strategies are needed to ensure that AI does not fundamentally reallocate burdens…
Content type: Examples
The Dutch data protection authority has fined Uber €10 million for failing to inform drivers how long it retains their data or how it secures it when sending it to countries outside the EEA, and hindering drivers' access to their data by making requests unnecessarily complicated. The fine follows a complaint filed by 170 French drivers with a human rights organization, which complained to the French data protection authority, which forwarded It to the Netherlands, where Uber has its European…
Content type: Examples
The Spanish data protection regulator AEPD has fined Glovo €550,000 for excessively surveilling delivery drivers and failing to protect their data from abuse by company personnel in other countries. The data includes details of each delivery, all communications exchanged with the platform, and reputation scores. The Spanish regulator was inspired to investigate after a 2020 warning from its Italian counterpart, which was investigating Glovo's Italian food delivery subsidiary, Foodinho. …
Content type: Examples
FullScreen Research claims that in the competitive German food delivery market, Lieferando uses automation to monitor its employees and that Wolt violates labour laws by paying couriers in cash and employing them illegally A former supervisor with Lieferando says that the system flags up abnormalities for a team of watching agents, who see each courier's exact location and are supposed to ask drivers the reason for delays. Lieferando denies that it illegally controls drivers'…
Content type: Examples
Former delivery driver Edrissa Manjang is pursuing a claim for harassment, indirect discrimination, and victimisation in UK courts, alleging that a racially-biased algorithm kicked him off Uber Eats' ride-sharing app. After Uber Eats supplied information that contradicted Manjang's original claims, the judge gave him leave to amend his complaint but refused him permission to use emails sent him during the litigation as evidence of harassment. Manjang, who is black and of African descent, says…
Content type: Examples
In response to a case brought by three Italian trade unions, a court in Palermo has ruled that the points system used by the Italian food delivery service Foodinho discriminates against disabled and older riders, as well as those with special family or personal circumstances. A subsidiary of Spain's Glovo Group, Foodinho's system awards higher scores to riders who complete more deliveries or are available at peak times; high scores give riders greater choice and better work opportunities. …
Content type: Examples
In a study of the data Uber collected on a Geneva driver who obtained his data via a Subject Access Request, the Gig Economy Project finds that the data is difficult for drivers to parse, contains many inaccuracies, and is incomplete. In addition, obtaining the data in the first place is near impossible., which helped the driver analyse his data, believes Uber's response is in violation of the rights guaranteed under GDPR.…
Content type: Examples
Foodinho, the Italian food delivery subsidiary of the Spanish company Glovo, continues to accumulate millions of euros in fines for infringements of labour law such as collecting and misusing riders' data. New research studying Glovo's app indicates that the company appears to have created its own hidden scoring system so evaluate couriers' performance, and shares personally identified riders' after-hours location with Google and other unauthorised third-party trackers.https://algorithmwatch.…
Content type: Examples
A former TikTok moderator in Kenya has threatened a lawsuit against TikTok's owner, ByteDance, alleging that he has developed PTSD as a result of his work for the company and that he was unfairly dismissed for advocating for better working conditions. In a letter, his lawyer alleges that the job required him to watch 250 to 350 videos per hour, the vast majority of them "horrific in nature". Publication: Time MagazineWriter…
Content type: Examples
Uber Eats delivery drivers in northern French cities went on strike on October 22, 2023 to protest falling wages since the platform changed its policies to effectively reduce its per-kilometre compensation. Drivers complain the platform is less transparent since the changes. Publication: Lille Actu
Content type: Examples
Companies like the Australian data services company Appen are part of a vast, hidden industry of low-paid workers in some of the globe's cheapest labour markets who label images, video, and text to provide the datasets used to train the algorithms that power new bots. Appen, which has 1 million contributors, includes among its clients Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Meta. According to Grand View Research, the global data collection and labelling market was valued at $2.22 billion in 2022 and is…
Content type: Examples
Trailing well after their European counterparts, US and Canadian trade unions are just now beginning to push for protections against workplace surveillance. The Communications Workers of America has won requirements that managers notify workers when recording their calls and a guarantee that those calls will not be used to evaluate or discipline workers. AFL-CIO has created a technology institute to build its expertise and policies on AI and other technologies; it will also offer training for…
Content type: Examples
French data protection agency CNIL has fined Amazon's French warehouse management unit €32 million, or about 3% of its turnover, for its "excessively intrusive" surveillance of the performance of its thousands of staff. The system relied on data collected from the scanners warehouse staff use to process packages. CNIL said the surveillance placed workers under continuous pressure and forced them to justify absences, as the scanners timed inacctivity to the second and also penalised workers for…
Content type: Examples
A new poll from the trade union Prospect finds that 58% of UK workers believe government should protect jobs by regulating the use of generative AI. Only 12% believe government should not interfere. The poll also found that workers are deeply uncomfortable with being surveilled at work and about companies' use of software to automate decisions about hiring and promotion. Publication: Prospect
Content type: Examples
Following a February 2024 ruling by the Information Commissioner's Office against Serco Leisure, national leisure centre chains are among dozens of UK companies removing or reviewing the use of facial recognition and fingerprints to monitor staff attendance. The ICO found that the Serco subsidiary had unlawfully processed the data of more than 2,000 employees at 38 centres.…
Content type: Examples
The Argentinian startup Nippy offers delivery drivers access to rest stops including free coffee, phone charging stations, and toilets in return for downloading its app and allowing it to sell the data the app collects to partners in insurance, financial services, and telecommunications. The result is to give companies like Mastercard and Movistar insight into gig workers' income in the areas where Nippy operates in Argentina, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. The services Nippy's rest stops…
Content type: Advocacy
AI-powered employment practices: PI's response to the ICO's draft recruitment and selection guidance
The volume of data collected and the methods to automate recruitment with AI poses challenges for the privacy and data protection rights of candidates going through the recruitment process.Recruitment is a complex and multi-layered process, and so is the AI technology intended to service this process at one or all stages of it. For instance, an AI-powered CV-screening tool using natural language processing (NLP) methods might collect keyword data on candidates, while an AI-powered video…