Content type: Case Study
Estonia is widely considered one of the most digitally advanced countries in the world. Its e-ID is the gateway through which e-citizens are able to access most public services. Estonia's e-ID is both designed and operated by a collection of private companies, and overseen by the Police and Border Guard agency.
X-Road® (implemented in Estonia as X-tee) is the free and open-source data exchange layer which provides a standardised method for transferring information between the data…
Content type: Case Study
This written piece is part of PI's wider research into the tech behind ID systems around the world. Click here to learn more.
Aadhaar (Hindi for ‘foundation’) is India’s ID programme, the largest in the world, surpassing 1 billion sign ups in just under 6 years. This programme aims to give every citizen a unique, biometrically-verifiable identification number. Each user receives a card with their number on it, which can be cross-referenced with the biometric data held in a government…
Content type: Case Study
This written piece is part of PI's wider research into the tech behind ID systems around the world. Click here to learn more.
The Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP) is an open source, open standards based foundational identity platform. MOSIP is an API first platform that can be used by user organisations such as Governments to build their own foundational national ID platforms. MOSIP offers ID life-cycle management features and identity verification capabilities out of the…
Content type: Report
The evolution of information technology is likely to result in intimate interdependence between humans and technology. This fusion has been characterized in popular science fiction as chip implantation. It is, however, more likely to take the form of biometric identification using such technologies as fingerprints, hand geometry and retina scanning.
Some applications of biometric identification technology are now cost-effective, reliable, and highly accurate. As a result, biometric systems are…