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Content Type: Examples
The first iteration of Facebook, which then-student Mark Zuckerberg launched at Harvard University in 2003, was known as "Facemash", and was based on a popular website of the day, Am I Hot or Not? Using photographs of students scraped from those collected by the university's houses of residence, the site showed users pairs of randomly selected photographs and asked them to choose the "hotter" person in order to compile student attractiveness rankings. Zuckerberg was forced to take the site down…
Content Type: Press release
Photo credit: Forbrukerrådet
The Norwegian Consumer Council has today published a report which shows how Facebook and Google appear to push users into sharing personal data, and raises questions around how such practices are GDPR compliant.
Off the back of the analysis, Privacy International is joining NCC and several other consumer and privacy groups in Europe to ask European data protection authorities to investigate whether the companies are acting in accordance with GDPR. Copies of the…
Content Type: Course
About: This course will take you through the process for qualitative research on privacy topics, including surveillance technologies, the role of global industry, and data-intensive systems.
Ideal for: People with a background in research, law, or social sciences, working on or with an interest in developing their knowledge of privacy issues. We recommend first taking our introductory course.
Impact: You will learn how to design research and conduct interviews around privacy-related topics,…
Content Type: Course
About: This course examines how innovations in policies, business models, and technologies enable governments to increasingly generate, collect, process and store more data about individuals.
Ideal for: People with a background in research, law, or social sciences, working on or with an interest in developing their knowledge of privacy issues. We recommend first taking our introductory course.
Impact: You will learn concepts and definitions related to data-intensive systems, and gain…
Content Type: Course
About: This course covers the fundamentals of communication networks and describes the various forms of communications surveillance that exists.
Ideal for: Anyone with an interest in technology and human rights. We recommend first taking our introductory course.
Impact: You will gain insight into how communication and surveillance technologies have been deployed across the world, as well as the different protections that metadata receives in various countries.
Learn more: As digital…
Content Type: Course
About: This course is an introduction to the principles that underpin the right to privacy, its increasing importance in our daily lives, and the work that is being done internationally to protect this right.
Ideal for: Anyone with an interest in technology and human rights. Some knowledge of law would be helpful, but not essential.
Impact: You will learn about the international and regional conventions that establish the right to privacy, as well as the principles of data protection laws and…
Content Type: Press release
Privacy International, Liberty, and Open Rights Group have joined over 60 NGOs, community groups, and academics across the European Union to file complaints to the European Commission. The complaints call for the EU governments to stop requiring companies to store all communications data. The practice was ruled unlawful by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in two separate judgments in 2014 and 2016. The UK complaint was filed by Privacy International, Liberty, and Open Rights…
Content Type: News & Analysis
Privacy International welcomes today’s decision by the United States Supreme Court in Carpenter v. United States, which finds that the government must generally obtain a warrant when seeking mobile phone location records. In particular, PI applauds the Court’s recognition that “[m]apping a cell phone’s location over the course of 127 days provides an all-encompassing record of the holder’s whereabouts. As with GPS information, the timestamped data provides an intimate window into a person’s…
Content Type: Course Section
Communications surveillance is where a third party intercepts a communication in the course of its transmission between intended recipients. Interception includes all acts of monitoring, copying, diverting, duplicating and storing communications in the course of their transmission by or for law enforcement or intelligence agencies.[1]
When discussing communications surveillance, there are many debates, distinctions, and terms used. Because of this it is important to know what a term represents…
Content Type: Course Section
Communications surveillance: Communications surveillance is the monitoring, interception, collection, preservation and retention of information that has been communicated, relayed or generated over communications networks to a group of recipients by a third party. This includes phone calls, emails, text messages, pictures, and messaging apps.
Data protection: Data protection is the law designed to protect your personal information, which is collected, processed and stored by “…
Content Type: Course Section
s. 16 of Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2012
Extra safeguards
intercepted material falls within this subsection so far only as it is selected to be read, looked at or listened to otherwise than according to a factor which—
has as its purpose, or one of its purposes, the identification of material contained in communications sent by him, or intended for him
Smith v. Maryland 1979
"there is no…
Content Type: Landing Page
Privacy International helps people across the world to understand modern aspects of privacy and surveillance. By helping people understand the threats to our rights, people can become advocates and defenders of privacy.
Content Type: Long Read
Update 28 June 2018
Last week Privacy International wrote to Thomson Reuters Corporation asking the company to commit to ensuring the vast amounts of data they provide to US immigration agencies isn’t used to identify families for indefinite detention or separation, or for other human rights abuses.
Thomson Reuters has unfortunately ignored our specific questions and made no such commitment.
Instead, the CEO Thomson Reuters Special Services (TRSS) a subsidiary, makes clear that instead of…
Content Type: Press release
Privacy International (PI) has today sent an open letter to the President of Thomson Reuters Corporation asking whether he will commit to ensuring the multinational company’s products or services are not used to enforce cruel, arbitrary, and disproportionate measures, including those currently being implemented by US immigration authorities.
Documentation shows that Thomson Reuters Corporation is selling access to highly sensitive and personal data to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement…
Content Type: News & Analysis
In order to uphold the law and keep us safe, the police can seriously interfere with a range of fundamental human rights. And so transparency and public scrutiny of their actions are essential to protect against misconduct and abuse.
So why is the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) now permitted to operate in secret?
We all have the right to seek information from most public bodies – including the police – under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000. When the law was first…
Content Type: Press release
Gus Hosein, Executive Director of Privacy International:
The US federal government's cruel zero tolerance immigration policy has received widespread and international condemnation. In addition to the policy's clear moral failure it is also in violation of the government's legal obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which includes protecting families from unnecessary interference by the government.
The US government needs to understand that…
Content Type: News & Analysis
This piece originally appeared here.
The tech industry is ramping up its attack and promulgation of myths around the ePrivacy regulation, as shown by Julia Apostle’s op-ed “We survived GDPR, but now another EU privacy law looms” (June 14). Let’s set the record straight.
Myth #1: the ePrivacy regulation will be detrimental for innovation. This predictable and tired argument is made anytime companies face regulation. It is particularly fallacious in this case. The aim of the ePrivacy regulation…
Content Type: Advocacy
Tanto la privacidad como la seguridad son esenciales para proteger a los individuos, su autonomía y su dignidad. El detrimento de la privacidad implica el detrimento de la seguridad de los individuos, sus dispositivos y la infraestructura de la que forman parte. La gente necesita privacidad para sentirse libremente segura y proteger su información, así como para gozar plenamente de otros derechos.
Una cantidad cada vez mayor de Gobiernos en el mundo está recurriendo también al hackeo para…
Content Type: News & Analysis
Actualmente, las empresas tecnológicas se encuentran inmersas en constante cambio. Uno de ellos es la creciente importancia que ha cobrado la seguridad digital, convirtiéndose en una prioridad. Que un emprendimiento resguarde su seguridad digital significa que puede gestionar los riesgos asociados a mantener la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de su información.
En este contexto, resulta de gran relevancia que las personas responsables del emprendimiento digital y el…
Content Type: News & Analysis
El objetivo es facilitar a la sociedad civil una guía para la navegación de este organismo, efectuar un diagnóstico que permita situar cualquier persona interesada sobre la actualidad de la temática a nivel regional y descubrir la agenda de seguridad digital que sostiene la OEA en el continente.
Finalmente, concluimos con una serie de breves recomendaciones dirigidas a los organismos de la OEA. Con ello, esperamos que este órgano reconozca el papel que puede jugar como catalizador en el…
Content Type: News & Analysis
While the worlds’ attention, the world’s humour, including a dedicated playlist of 89 songs on Spotify, were on the coming into force of EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on 25th May, the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) that received Royal Assent only two days previously had barely received a few column inches in the mainstream press.
However, the substance of the debates in parliament during the passage of this Act has received wide…
Content Type: Advocacy
Privacy and security are both essential to protecting individuals, including their autonomy and dignity. Undermining privacy undermines the security of individuals, their devices and the broader infrastructure. People need privacy to freely secure themselves, their information, and fully enjoy other rights.
A growing number of governments around the world are embracing hacking to facilitate their surveillance activities. When governments hack for surveillance purposes, they seek to…
Content Type: News & Analysis
This piece originally appeared here.
We are much more than our physical selves. We are also digital. Every moment we generate more data. Although sometimes this data is under our control, increasingly it is not. This uncontrolled data—this metadata—is often generated as a result of our interactions, movements, sentiments, and even our inaction. Despite being beyond our control, our metadata is still accessible to many. Hardly a day goes by without a news story or global event involving data: a…
Content Type: Advocacy
Why We Are So Concerned about Government Hacking for Surveillance
Scope of Our Safeguards
1. Legality
2. Security and Integrity of Systems
3. Necessity and Proportionality
4. Judicial Authorisation
5. Integrity of information
6. Notification
7. Destruction and Return of Data
8. Oversight and Transparency
9. Extraterritoriality
10. Effective Remedy
Commentary on each
1. Legality
2. Security and Integrity of Systems
3. Necessity and Proportionality
Content Type: News & Analysis
Nota de prensa
Peruanos rutinariamiente otorgan y son sometidos a verificación de sus datos personales y biométricos (huella digital, retina) en entidades públicas y privadas sin ser informados claramente de la finalidad y tratamiento posterior de la información.
RENIEC ocupa un rol predominante dentro del ecosistema nacional para dotar de coherencia al sistema de identificación que emplea tecnología biométrica. Sin embargo, pese a contar con diferentes estándares y medidas de seguridad en el…
Content Type: Press release
Privacy International (PI) has today urged England Manager Gareth Southgate to bolster his defence ahead of the World Cup in Russia, which kicks off next Thursday. PI sent Southgate an anti-surveillance 'Faraday cage' phone pouch and a briefing on his vulnerability to potential spying by rival football managers and foreign governments intent on giving their team a competitive advantage. If rival governments routinely hack and intercept each other's communications, what's stopping rival teams'…
Content Type: Press release
On the five year anniversary of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaking a massive trove of classified information that has since transformed our understanding of government mass surveillance, Dr Gus Hosein, Executive Director of Privacy International said:
“Is it enough for your government to tell you ‘we’re keeping you safe, but we’re not going to tell you how’? Edward Snowden asked himself this profoundly important question five years ago. We’re thankful he did.
His decision to expose the…
Content Type: News & Analysis
We found the image here.
As the hype around the EU General Data Protection Regulation’s entry into force begins to die down, confidentiality of digital communications in Europe is facing a new challenge.
On one side, companies are lobbying to prevent the finalisation of the proposal for a new e-privacy regulation to protect privacy of communications and prevent unauthorised access to the data stored on devices, and the tracking of individual’s behaviour online.
On the other, a group…