
Online tracking is a widespread practice with questionable ethics and legal backing. Learn how to limit your data from being collected unwillingly and disrupt the tracking industry!


El rastreo en línea es una práctica generalizada cuya ética y fundamento jurídico son cuestionables. ¡Aprende cómo puedes limitar la recolección no deseada de tus datos y trastornar la industria del rastreo!


Social media platforms build profiles of us to better target us with ads. Learn how to minimise targeting and make this data collection useless!


This guide is for anyone concerned about their social media accounts being monitored by public authorities, but it’s especially targeted at people from minority and migrant communities who may be disproportionately affected by various forms of surveillance.


Esta guía está dirigida a cualquier persona que le preocupe que las autoridades públicas vigilen sus redes sociales, pero en especial a las personas de comunidades minoritarias y migrantes que puedan verse especialmente afectadas por diferentes formas de vigilancia.


We have devised a series of guides in order to help you collect your data from various platforms such as Uber, Facebook, Telegram and WhatsApp. All of these platforms store a lot of information about you in the cloud, which could become accessible to law enforcement agencies.


Seeing ads everywhere isn't just annoying. It's a practise with questionnable ethics and legal backing. Learn how to limit your data from being collected unwillingly, disrupt the tracking industry and give you a cleaner browsing online experience.