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Content Type: Guide step
Puede que a veces te conectes desde un dispositivo diferente al tuyo, por ejemplo, la computadora de otra persona. Recomendamos que siempre cierres la sesión cuando hagas esto. Pero si se te olvida, puedes ver todas las sesiones activas en Cuenta > Aplicaciones y sesiones
Content Type: Guide step
Sugerimos utilizar la autenticación en dos fases, ya que ofrece un paso de seguridad adicional para ingresar a tu cuenta. Así, cuando te conectes, Twitter verificará tu identidad solicitando un código además de tu nombre de usuario y contraseña.
Este código (el segundo factor) puede ser recibido por SMS, una aplicación o una clave de seguridad. Ten en cuenta que por defecto Twitter te obliga a utilizar un número telefónico y a recibir un SMS. Más adelante puedes activar la autenticación en dos…
Content Type: Guide step
We suggest using Two-Factor authentication, as it provides an extra security step in order to access your account. This way, when you connect, Twitter will verify your identity by requesting a code in addition to your username and password.
This code (the second factor) can be received either by SMS, an app or a security key. Note that by default Twitter forces you to use a phone number to receive an SMS. You can later enable Two-factor authentication with an app and remove the SMS option.
Content Type: Guide step
Protege tus tweets
Configuración y privacidad > Privacidad y seguridad > Proteger tus tweets
Lo primero que puedes hacer para que tu cuenta de twitter sea más privada es proteger tus tweets. Activar esta función hace que tus tweets solo puedan ser vistos por quienes te siguen en la aplicación. Cuando esta función está activada, tienes que aprobar cada seguidor nuevo.
Esta es una solución interesante si tu intención es que tu cuenta no sea pública sino para amigos, familiares o una…
Content Type: Guide step
Protect your tweets
Settings & Privacy > Privacy and Safety > Protect your tweets
The first action you can take to make your twitter account more private is to protect your tweets. Enabling this option will make your tweets visible only to people who follow you. If selected, you will need to approve each new follower.
This is an interesting solution if your account is not meant to be public and is rather for friends, family or for a specific community. It gives you great control on…
Content Type: Guide step
Para entrar en la configuración discutida aquí, en la aplicación Viber:
Toca los tres puntos de la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla
Toca Configuración > Privacidad
Content Type: Guide step
To access the settings discussed here, on the Viber app:
Tap the three dots on the bottom right corner of the screen
Tap Settings > Privacy
Content Type: Long Read
Immunity Passports have become a much hyped tool to cope with this pandemic and the economic crisis. Essentially, with immunity passports those who are 'immune' to the virus would have some kind of certified document - whether physical or digital. This 'passport' would give them rights and privileges that other members of the community do not have.
This is yet another example of a crisis-response that depends on technology, as we saw with contact-tracing apps. And it is also yet another…
Content Type: Explainer
An immunity passport (also known as a 'risk-free certificate' or 'immunity certificate') is a credential given to a person who is assumed to be immune from COVID-19 and so protected against re-infection. This 'passport' would give them rights and privileges that other members of the community do not have such as to work or travel.
For Covid-19 this requires a process through which people are reliably tested for immunity and there is a secure process of issuing a document or other…
Content Type: Examples
Human Rights Watch finds problems with immunity passports
Human Rights Watch considers the first proposals for immunity passports and suggests that although antibody testing is useful for ensuring the safety of frontline workers or giving a good idea of the percentage of a population that remains vulnerable to infection, using them to issuing immunity passports poses numerous threats to equality. Among them: forcing people to get tested as a condition of employment, enabling new forms of…
Content Type: Examples
In a policy briefing, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics concludes that there is too much scientific uncertainty and too many ethical issues for to support immunity certification as a way of easing restrictions on travel, work, and other activities. While testing can be useful, the negative impacts of a certification system are likely to fall disproportionately on those who are already disadvantaged.…
Content Type: Examples
In advice issued to corporates, Deloitte considers the options for protecting workforces and suggests that immunity tests are available as a tool in any of three possible scenarios: the government ordered testing; the company adopts testing as a strategic initiative; employees take private action. Deloitte offers help in avoiding fraud risks in procurement, helping organise the workforce and support change; provide advice and support in managing employee medical data; and setting up secure and…
Content Type: Examples
Even before anything like an official immunity passport has become available, users of online dating sites are finding that some prospective dates are pushing for in-person meetups by claiming that either they’ve tested negative for the coronavirus or have positive antibody tests showing that they’ve recovered from it and presume that they are now immune. Estonia and Chile are both planning immunity passport systems. However, Robert West, a professor of health, psychology, and behavioural…
Content Type: Examples
Public-private partnership launches biometrics identity and vaccination record system in West Africa
In July 2020 a public-private partnership programme between the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard, and the AI identity authentication company Trust Stamp was ready to introduce a biometric identity platform in low-income remote communities in West Africa. The programme will integrate Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform into the GAVI-Mastercards “Wellness Pass”, a digital vaccination record and identity system powered by Mastercard’s AI and machine learning technology,…
Content Type: Examples
Based on a recommendation by union home minister Amit Shah, in mid-June the Delhi government directed hospitals to issue covid-free certificates to patients when discharging them on the basis that they would help reduce the stigma around the disease and allow those who have recovered to go back to their normal lives. Patients were being discharged after recovery without confirmatory tests, and needed assurance that they were no longer contagious; the certificates would also ease travel by rail…
Content Type: Examples
In June, a health law researcher at the University of Indonesia suggested that the government could create its own version of the international vaccination certificate issued by the WHO for those who were vaccinated against the coronavirus, when a vaccine becomes available. Comparing it to vaccination certificates issued in some African countries for the Ebola vaccine or the WHO “Yellow Card”, Djarot Andaru thought Indonesia’s version could also function as an identity card and be required for…
Content Type: Examples
The Israeli smart digital ID card and border control software company Pangea hopes its new biometric smart card could help airports reopen. The company claims governments, many of which are working on defining the medical tests and processes required for eligibility, can use the card to verify that the holder is virus-free or has immunity. The card incorporates a photo, digital signature, chip, hologram, and up-to-date encrypted data on the holder’s COVID-19 profile, and can be securely linked…
Content Type: Examples
In order to reopen borders and restart travel and trade, the East African Community is working with Switzerland-based The Commons Project, a public trust that builds digital services for public good in order to develop an app called CommonPass. The app, which will be designed in a July sprint, will allow travellers to share a recent COVID-19 test in a way that ensures the results cannot be falsified or counterfeited while preserving their personal privacy. The digital health passport will start…
Content Type: Guide step
To access the settings discussed here, on the Viber app:
Tap the three dots on the bottom right corner of the screen
Tap Settings > Account
Tap the desired Setting
Viber Backup
This is a key setting to look into. Viber is end to end encrypted, which means that messages are only acessible by both the sender and the receiver, not being stored anywhere along the way. This also means that if you lose or change the device you are using, all your messages will be lost. Viber offers the…
Content Type: Guide step
Configuración de la cuenta
Para entrar a la configuración de la que estamos hablando, en la aplicación Viber:
Toca los tres puntos de la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla
Toca Configuración > Cuenta
Toca el ajuste deseado
Copia de seguridad de Viber
Esta es una configuración clave para tener en cuenta. Viber cuenta con cifrado de extremo a extremo, por lo que solamente quien envía y quien recibe los mensajes tiene acceso a ellos y no se almacenan en ninguna parte durante el…
Content Type: Examples
Testing for All is helping small employers and individuals access antibody tests by making them available at £42 each out of fear that “testing inequality” could fuel greater financial inequality, as private schools and big businesses have introduced testing to allow pupils and employees to return to school and work but state schools and small businesses are left to rely on the state. Among the employers adopting antibody testing for staff are Credit Suisse, Ocado, and Premier League football,…
Content Type: Examples
As part of considering how to reopen tourism, the Greek Ministry of Tourism is considering introducing a “health passport” to be used as proof that the carrier is not infected with COVID-19. The test will be performed before the traveller leaves their country of origin. To begin with, the scheme would likely only work for EU member states, but would allow them to help each other promote tourism.
Content Type: Examples
TrustNet Pakistan, the country’s only digital trust foundation, has begun work alongside many other global technology companies on a digital vaccination verification platform called CovidCreds. The initiative supports projects that use privacy-preserving verifiable credentials. TrustNet is working on a solution called Vaccify to provide verification that it’s safe for people to travel out of Pakistan. The system is expected to work via a mobile phone app that can digitally receive test results…
Content Type: Examples
The Canary Islands sought to become the first destination for a coronavirus-free flight as part of a digital health passport pilot project backed by the World Health Organisation. Via the Hi+Card secure health mobile app that certifies they do not have COVID-19, each passenger will have a unique digital profile on their phone that will hold health information uploaded by a health entity that has been accredited by the Health Ministry. The move will make the archipelago a worldwide laboratory…
Content Type: Examples
Blockchain timestamping supplier Guardtime, French health data manager OpenHealth, and Swiss authentication and tracing technologies company SICPA Group have jointly proposed the COVID-19 secured immunity passport. The proposed immunity passport would serve as the basis for real-time monitoring of a population’s immunity. The blockchain is intended to make it impossible to falsify the data held on the certificates, which will be available to any consenting person who has had an approved test to…
Content Type: Examples
Premier League football has set up a COVID-19 testing programme that it says should soon allow socially-distanced fans to return to stadiums using technology from a company called Prenetics, which is also delivering testing for the England cricket team. Prenetics’ digital health passport links an individual’s testing history to their mobile phone; a negative result generates a QR code supporters can scan to access venues.…
Content Type: Advocacy
Identification systems across the world increasingly rely on biometric data. In the context of border management, security and law enforcement, biometric data can play an important role in supporting the investigation and prevention of acts of terrorism.
This Briefing aims to map out some of the implications of the adoption of identification systems based on biometrics.
Content Type: Examples
After some employers were caught asking for such information, in mid-June 2020 the Spanish data protection authority warned that it is a violation of data protection laws to screen job candidates based on whether they have had and recovered from COVID-19 and developed antibodies. This type of information is personal health data and is covered by article 9 of the GDPR.
Writer: AEPD…
Content Type: Examples
The Manchester-based cybersecurity company VST Enterprises is working a digital health company Circle Pass Enterprises to create the “Covi-pass” digital health passport intended to allow holders to work and travel safely. The Covi-pass uses a colour system of red, green, and amber to indicate whether the holder has tested positive or negative for the coronavirus, and holds other key information such as name, address, and age, plus a biometric. Despite the challenge of sourcing enough…