
Campaigns, Legal Case Description, Advocacy

News & Analysis

What do an oil company in Kenya, the Ministry of Health in Ghana and UNDP have in common? According to The Hindsight Files, they all hired Cambridge Analytica.

Long Read

Spotlight on PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project!


Privacy International and over 50 other organisations have submitted a letter to Alphabet Inc. CEO Sundar Pichai asking Google to take action against exploitative pre-installed software on Android devices.


Privacy International et plus de 50 autres organisations ont soumis une lettre au PDG d'Alphabet Inc., Sundar Pichai, demandant à Google de prendre des mesures contre les logiciels préinstallés sur les appareils Android qui exploitent les données des utilisateurs.

News & Analysis

Evidence gathered during the run up to the election demonstrates that current regulations are not fit for the digital era and must be reformed.

News & Analysis

The Government of Myanmar proposes a national digital ID and biometric SIM registration system in absence of data protection laws and security safeguards.


PI submitted with its partners a joint stakeholder report on the state of privacy in view of Kenya's review at the 35th session of the Universal Periodic Review.

News & Analysis

Privacy International calls for the Swedish draft proposal conferring government hacking powers to law enforcement authorities to be rejected.


The EU's border control agency mysteriously cancelled a surveillance system, after we asked a few questions.

On November 1, 2019, we submitted evidence to an inquiry carried out by the Scottish Parliament into the use of Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) for policing purposes. In our submissions, we noted that the rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the
In October 2019, PI responded to the UK Information Commissioner’s (ICO) consultation on a draft Code of Practice for the use of personal data in political campaigning. This follows on from PI's submission in December 2018, to the ICO’s Call for Views. PI welcomes the draft Code of Practice as a

Privacy International's submission to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests.

We welcome the effort by the Government of Kenya to give life to and specify the right to privacy, already enshrined in Article 31(c) and (d) of the Constitution of Kenya by proposing a draft Data Protection Act. We particularly appreciate the direct reference to this Constitutional right in the
PI is increasingly concerned that democratic participation can be inhibited by novel and unhindered surveillance both by governments and companies. To safeguard our rights, earlier this year, we launched our work programme, Defending Democracy and Dissent, which aims to investigate the role
Earlier this year, the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression called for an “immediate moratorium on the global sale and transfer of private surveillance technology”, warning that “unlawful surveillance continues without evident constraint”, is leading to arbitrary detention, torture and