
Campaigns, Legal Case Description, Advocacy

Privacy International encourages the European Commission to consider ways to reform or at least re-interpret competition regulation to address the data protection implications and the broader societal challenges posed by the exploitation of data by big corporations. This includes, for example
Both “cyber security” and “cyber crime” are terms widely used but often poorly understood. This briefing provides an overview of terminology, concepts and trends in addressing cyber security and cyber crime. It describes the differences between them and associated challenges for the protection of
This Universal Periodic Review stakeholder report is a submission by Privacy International presented to raise concerns regarding the situation of the violation of the right to privacy in New Zealand as part of the 32nd session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group.
We welcome the effort by the Pakistani Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications to regulate the processing of personal data in Pakistan, and take measures to guarantee the right to privacy as guaranteed under Article 14(1) of the Constitution: “[t]he dignity of man and, subject to
This report is presented by Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D) and Privacy International (PI). La Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation located in Mexico, dedicated to the defence of human rights in the digital environment. Privacy
This photo originally appeared here. For years, Privacy International and our partners in Kenya have been promoting the right to privacy in Kenya through research and investigations into government and private sector policies and practices and advocating for the adoption and enforcement of the
Tanto la privacidad como la seguridad son esenciales para proteger a los individuos, su autonomía y su dignidad. El detrimento de la privacidad implica el detrimento de la seguridad de los individuos, sus dispositivos y la infraestructura de la que forman parte. La gente necesita privacidad para
Privacy and security are both essential to protecting individuals, including their autonomy and dignity. Undermining privacy undermines the security of individuals, their devices and the broader infrastructure. People need privacy to freely secure themselves, their information, and fully enjoy other
Introduction Why We Are So Concerned about Government Hacking for Surveillance Scope of Our Safeguards 1. Legality 2. Security and Integrity of Systems 3. Necessity and Proportionality 4. Judicial Authorisation 5. Integrity of information 6. Notification 7. Destruction and Return of Data 8
Social media, which can include a wide range of online platforms and applications, can be revealing and sensitive, making any collection or retention highly invasive. The effect would be unjustified intrusion into the private lives of those affected, undermining their freedom of speech and affecting
Este informe es presentado por la Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D) y Privacy International (PI). La Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D) es una organización no gubernamental, sin fnes de lucro, ubicada en México, dedicada a la defensa de los derechos humanos en el entorno
This Universal Periodic Review (“UPR”) stakeholder report is a submission by Privacy International and Paradigm Initiative. Together Privacy International and Paradigm Initiative wish to bring their concerns about the protection and promotion of the right to privacy in Nigeria before the Human
This stakeholder report is a submission by Privacy International (PI) and the Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA). Privacy International and the Jordan Open Source Association wish to bring concerns about the protection and promotion of the right to privacy for consideration in Jordan’s upcoming
Today Privacy International, with TACD, published a document detailing 10 things that US companies need to know about the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). People’s data should be treated with the highest privacy protections no matter where they are based. Privacy is a