
Campaigns, Legal Case Description, Advocacy


PI has repeatedly called for authoritative guidance on the use of data to political parties and other organisations involved in political campaigns. Last November, the Council of Europe Committee on Convention No.108 adopted its Guidelines on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data by and for Political Campaigns, following a thorough process of consultation to which PI participated.

PI welcomes these very comprehensive Guidelines.


Our recommendations for the EU's Digital Markets Act as it goes into the trilogue negotiations stage.

News & Analysis

2022 will see a raft of high tech surveillance tools emerging in the UK government’s arsenal, which will further entrench a ‘hostile environment’ for migrants. We have written to the UK Forensic Science Regulator, urging him to conduct a review into use of digital forensic activities by immigration officers.


Privacy International joined organizations and academics working around the world to urge member states in the Ad Hoc Committee responsible for drafting a potential United Nations Cybercrime Treaty to ensure human rights protections are reflected in the any future treaty. The first session of the Ad Hoc Committee will begin on January 17th.

The proposed treaty will likely deal with cybercrime, international cooperation, and access to potential digital evidence by law enforcement authorities, as well as human rights and procedural safeguards.

Long Read

Short Message Services (SMS) are being used in MHealth initiatives which aim to deliver crucial information to expecting and new mothers. But there are concerns that there is limited transparency about numerous aspects of SMS health services, and how the data is being processed, by whom and in accordance to what safeguards.

News & Analysis

Bit by bit regulators across the world are chipping off the toxic business model that Clearview AI relies on.


The ICO has provisionally issued a £17 million fine against facial recognition company Clearview AI.

Long Read

In this piece we outline the main discussions and measures we need to see being systematically adopted to inform decision-making about digital solutions in the health sector, and provide examples of where these were not integrated in decision-making processes and with what consequences.


Privacy International and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association respond to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's consultation on its draft privacy guidance on facial recognition for police agencies


Out-of-date devices can become privacy and security liabilities, as well as tools of exclusion. To accompany the soaring demand for a right to repair, we are demanding for device sustainability through long-term software support and more transparency from manufacturers.

Long Read

During the Covid-19 pandemic, telemedicine experienced a global boost. Post-pandemic, the telemedicine industry has been valued at a quarter trillion dollars. However, there are issues, ranging from lack of clear guidelines, lack of training for providers, and issues of connectivity, to costs for patients, the remote care being covered by insurance, that providers must understand prior to deploying telemedicine solutions.

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An overview of how the EU works extensively with non-EU countries to introduce biometric ID systems in order to "manage" migration and borders, and recommendations on possible ways to mitigate the risks

News & Analysis

The European Parliament's resolution on artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police presents an opportunity for the EU to reconsider its role in the development of such tools, their sale, or use as part of its counter-terrorism and anti-immigration policies abroad.


Privacy International, together with other civil society organisations and experts in the field of digital rights, responded to the UK government’s consultation on ‘a new pro-competition regime for digital markets’.


Mexico's proposed new CUID biometric ID card, funded by the a $225 million loan from the World Bank, has been criticised by civil society organisations.

Long Read

If you’re in the UK you may know Bounty as the company that distribute packs of samples to pregnant women at midwife appointments. They’re also the ones that were found to have illegally shared the data of over 14 million mums & babies with 39 companies.