
Campaigns, Legal Case Description, Advocacy


PI published its analysis of the conceptual zero draft of the WHO’s Pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response accord (“WHO CAII”) which will be discussed by the WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) between 5 and 7 December 2022.


PI welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation on the proposed data protection bill in Argentina.


PI’s submission focussed on highlighting the potential harms associated with the use of AI within schools and the additional safeguards and precautions that should be taken when implementing AI in educational technology.


PI's submission on the use of EdTech and the subsequent processing (collection, analysis, retention and sharing) of children and teacher’s data in Brazil at the 41st session of the UPR. See below for our concerns and recommendations


PI's submission on the use of EdTech in India and the subsequent processing (collection, analysis, retention and sharing) of children and teacher’s data to India's review at the 41st session of the UPR. 


On 26 October 2022, PI gave evidence for a second time before the EP Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware.


The text of the draft Directive should be improved with amendments to ensure that current company practices do not result in serious harms for consumers or negatively impact devices’ sustainability.


PI submitted amendments to the EU's Directive on Working Conditions and Platform Work to raise concerns about the threats workers face when they are subjected to automated decision-making systems. This is part of our work defending workers' rights to access information as well appropriate mechanisms to defend their interests, and, more broadly our efforts to ensure that automated decision-making systems are subjected to effective and robust scrutiny.


PI presented a submission as part of the consultation process to provide written input on the working draft of the WHO’s Pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response accord (“WHO CAII”) published on 13 July 2022.


During the 51st Ordinary Session of the Human Rights Council, on 16 September 2022, Privacy International participated in the inter-active dialogue on the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right to privacy in the digital age.

Privacy International contributed to the UN report by submitting its information on current issues of concerns, including government hacking, attempts to limit the use of encryption, and other topics.


PI’s report on end-to-end encryption (E2EE) analyses and defends expanding the use of E2EE to protect our communications.


Civil society organisations around the globe have written to the World Bank and their Identification for Development Initiative (ID4D), raising concerns about the rollout of digital ID globally.


As the Home Office plans to increase the use of GPS tags for those subject to immigration control, Privacy International has brought a complaint to the Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) regarding systemic failures in relation to the quality and accuracy of data extracted from GPS tags.

Under the Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021, the FSR has statutory powers to uphold standards in forensic science.

Privacy International calls on the FSR to look into quality and accuracy issues related to data extracted from satellite enabled GPS electronic monitoring which risk impeding or prejudicing the course of justice in immigration and criminal proceedings.

News & Analysis

The right to privacy encompasses bodily autonomy and the right to access safe abortion care. In light of the recent decision of the United States’ Supreme Court in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, we at Privacy International (PI) wanted to examine how the right to privacy has evolved around the world and in the U.S.



During the second session of the UN Ad Hoc Committee which is negotiating a potential United Nations Cybercrime Treaty, Privacy International made three joint interventions. The second session took place in Vienna from 30 May to 10 June.


The ministerial Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in the UK recently ran a consultation to review the regulatory framework for paid-for online advertising. The aim according to DCMS is "to tackle the evident lack of transparency and accountability across the whole supply chain."

PI has long been concerned about the online advertising industry, particularly the harm caused by adtech companies and data brokers in the advertising supply chain. PI welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Online Advertising Programme (OAP) consultation.