
Campaigns, Legal Case Description, Advocacy


Today, a coalition of 31 civil society organisations release an open letter calling on Parliament to halt and ban the use of live facial recognition technology (LFRT) by the police and private companies.

Press release

Today a coalition of 11 civil society organisations have called on TECNO to make serious changes to their practices protect users privacy and security.


A coalition of 11 civil society organisations have called on TECNO to make serious changes to their practices protect users privacy and security.

Long Read

This piece is a part of a collection of research that demonstrates how data-intensive systems that are built to deliver reproductive and maternal healthcare are not adequately prioritising equality and privacy.


We analysed the WHO's guidance on "Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates: Vaccination Status" (DDCC:VS). Here is our take on it and what we will keep an eye out for as countries deploy their own digital Covid-19 vaccination certificates.

News & Analysis

As revelations about the abuses of NSO Group's spyware continue, we take a look at what is being done around the world to challenge the surveillance tech industry and the powers they sell.


PI's submission regarding France's compliance with the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights highlighting concerns regarding Covid emergency measures, surveillance powers, and transgender people difficulties to change their ID.

News & Analysis

The controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill (‘Policing Bill’) includes provisions for ‘extraction of information from electronic devices’ by immigration officers. The provisions to seize and extract rely solely on ‘voluntary provision’ of devices and ‘agreement’ to extract data.

We are concerned immigration officers not only lack requisite skills, the power imbalance between state and migrant calls into question whether provision of a device can ever be truly voluntary.

This proposal comes at a time when there is a total lack of transparency around Home Office use of mobile phone extraction.


On 28 June 2021, Privacy International alongside 15 other civil society organisations published an open letter to all Members of the European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection raising concerns about the European Commission’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) proposal. Privacy International believes that the proposal needs further strenghtening as we noted also in our analysis of the DMA.

News & Analysis

The controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill includes provisions for 'extraction of information from electronic devices'. It relies solely on voluntary provision and agreement. We analyse the power imbalance between the State and individual - which calls into question 'voluntary provision' and 'agreement' as a basis for seizure of a device and extraction of data. 


Privacy InternationaI, Liberty, Defend Digital Me, Open Rights Group and Big Brother Watch submitted a response to the College of Policing's public consultation on the Police use of live facial recognition technology.

In the response, we make it clear that all the aforementioned organisations believe that LFRT poses significant and unmitigable risks to our society. 


Privacy International submitted its input to the forthcoming report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) on the right to privacy and artificial intelligence (AI.)

In our submission we identify key concerns about AI applications and the right to privacy. In particular we highlight concerns about facial recognition technologies and the use of AI for social media monitoring (SOCMINT). We document sectors where the use of AI applications have negatively affected the most vulnerable groups in society, such as the use of AI in welfare and in immigration and border control.

The briefing also argues for the adoption of adequate and effective laws accompanied by safeguards to ensure AI applications comply with human rights.


A case study illustrating the use and looming dangers of collection and use of biometrics in the name of counter-terrorism.


PI submitted with TEDIC a joint stakeholder report on the state of privacy in view of Paraguay's review at the 38th session of the UPR.

News & Analysis

PI submitted a response to the Cabinet Office’s consultation on the expansion of the National Fraud Initiative powers. The consultation is open until 5 May 2021.


Privacy International welcomes the aim of the EU Digital Markets Act to address some of the challenges posed by the way the current digital markets operate. However, we believe that the proposal put forward by the European Commission in December 2020 contains some shortcomings that need to be addressed, if the DMA were to be effective in tackling these challenges.