
Campaigns, Legal Case Description, Advocacy


PI responded to the call of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants to assess the human rights impact of current and newly established border management measures. In our submission we focus on relevant developments in the United Kingdom as well as provide an insight into global trends.


PI presented a submission as part of the consultation process for the up-coming to report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) on the right to privacy in the digital age.

Press release

Privacy International, Migrants Organise and Bail For Immigration Detainees joined forces to shine a light on the plight of migrants who are subject to hardline and dehumanising Home Office policies.


Privacy International submitted its input to the European Commission's consultation on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence.


In advance of the anticipated publication of the Data Protection Reform Bill in the UK, PI publishes here our response to the consultation on data protection reform submitted in November 2021. We focus on the real world impact of the proposed removal of extensive protections, by drawing on examples of PI’s research, investigations and advocacy from around the world.


Privacy International's submitted its input to the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty ahead of the presentation of his thematic report to the UN Human Rights Council titled "Social protection: a reality check".
PI's submission highlights the impact of digitalisation, automation and intrusive data collection on access to social protection.


Privacy International has made a submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration inspection of the Home Office Satellite Tracking Service Programme. We highlighted some of our concerns about the intrusive nature of location data as well as systemic failures relating to the quality of tags and battery life of devices which have a significant impact on individuals, as battery depletion can result in criminal prosecution.



Privacy International delivered oral and witness statement to first WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body consultation for an International Pandemic Treaty.


Privacy International submitted its input to the forthcoming report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) on the practical application of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) to the activities of technology companies, to be presented at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2022.

Our submissions address the systemic lack of transparency and accountability of the technology industry, in particular in its relationships with governments and authorities. We recommend concrete measures to ensure human rights standards are applied and upheld in the activities of technology companies, and when their products and services are used by governments for surveillance and public decision-making.


Privacy International (PI) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) submitted their contribution for the second session of the Ad-Hoc Committee mandated to develop a UN Cybercrime Treaty. While the organisations are not convinced a global cybercrime treaty is necessary, we believe that any UN Cybercrime Treaty must ensure the respect and protection of human-rights.


On 2 March 2022, Privacy International intervened during the first session of the the Ad Hoc Committee responsible for drafting a potential United Nations Cybercrime Treaty.

In our intervention we focussed on the scope of the proposed treaty and the safeguards necessary to ensure human rights are respected.

Long Read

Digital health apps of all kinds are being used by people to better understand their bodies, their fertility, and to access health information. But there are concerns that the information people both knowingly and unknowing provide to the app, which can be very personal health information, can be exploited in unexpected ways.


Electronic tags have been a key part of criminal justice for many years throughout the world. As traditional radio-frequency tags are replaced by GPS ankle tags, we examine how these different technologies work and the seismic shift that will result from 24/7 location monitoring and data analytics, enabled by GPS tags.


A mere eight months after we wrote to the Home Office seeking clarification on their initial response to our correspondence regarding the Aspen Card, they have replied. This accompanied their response to our Freedom of Information Request.

News & Analysis

The Home Office has been seizing mobile phones from migrants arriving in the UK by small boats. Last week, PI intervened in a judicial review at the High Court challenging the lawfulness of this highly intrusive practice.

News & Analysis

In this article we provide background on the initial challenge of the Huduma Namba and subsequent developments which led to an important ruling of the High Court of Kenya on the retrospective effect of the Data Protection Act as we reflect on its wider implications for the governance and regulation of digital ID systems.