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Content Type: Guide step
En tu navegador ve a la esquina superior derecha de la página de Facebook. Haz clic en Configuración y Privacidad y luego en Privacidad. A la izquierda vas a ver un campo llamado Apps y sitios web donde podrás ver cuáles aplicaciones tienen acceso a tus datos actualmente. Puedes modificar la lista si seleccionas Ver y editar. Recomendamos mantener la lista al mínimo y eliminar cualquier aplicación que no reconozcas o que hayas dejado de usar.
Content Type: Guide step
On your browser head to the upper right corner of the Facebook page. Click Settings and Privacy > Privacy. On the left side you should be able to see a field named Apps and Websites where you will see which apps currently have access to your data. If you click View and edit you can make changes on this list. We recommend you consider removing any apps that you don’t know or that you no longer use.
Content Type: Guide step
En tu navegador, si vas a tu perfil y luego seleccionas Información verás un resumen de la información que le has dado a Facebook en Información general.
Content Type: Guide step
If you are accessing Facebook through your browser, go to your profile and then select About. You will see a summary of the information you have provided to Facebook under Overview.
Content Type: Guide step
Empecemos por repasar la configuración preestablecida por defecto para compartir tus publicaciones.
En la web ve a Configuración > Privacidad > Tu actividad > ¿Quién puede ver tus publicaciones futuras?. Recomendamos que establezcas tu configuración por defecto a Amigos o Amigos excepto…, que es la misma configuración solo que con excepciones que puedes añadir manualmente si no quieres que alguna amistad pueda ver tus publicaciones. Cuando seleccionas Público, todas tus publicaciones…
Content Type: Guide step
Facebook can be an important tool for individuals to spread messages and ideas around the globe. For these reasons, it’s not possible for some people to simply stop using Facebook. However, we continue to be very concerned about the company’s conduct.
Let’s start by checking your default post sharing settings.
If you are accessing Facebook through your browser go to Settings > Privacy > Your Activity > Who can see future posts. We recommend you consider setting your default to Friends…
Content Type: Guide step
Otros dispositivos en los que puede haber iniciado sesión
Es posible que haya usado Telegram en otro teléfono o computadora. Una buena práctica después de hacerlo es cerrar la sesión para asegurarse de que nadie pueda usar su cuenta sin su permiso. Si alguna vez lo olvidas, Telegram te permite terminar cualquier sesión que no esté en el dispositivo actual que estás usando. Recomendamos verificar esto con regularidad y eliminar todo lo que no reconozca. Si solo usa un dispositivo (como su…
Content Type: Guide step
Other devices on which you might be logged in
You might have used Telegram on another phone or a computer. A good practice after doing so is to logout to make sure nobody can use your account without your permission. If you ever forget, Telegram allows you to terminate any session that is not on the current device you are using. We recommend checking this on a regular basis and removing everything you don't recognise. If you only use one device (such as your phone), this list should be empty…
Content Type: Guide step
The first time you use Telegram it will ask for permissions to use your phone. This is used for the verification process but shouldn't be used later on. However, if you don't change this permission, Telegram is theoretically able to make phone calls on your behalf. We recommend you check the app's permissions to disable anything you don't use within the app, such as permission to access phone calls or location. You will likely find this in your phone settings rather than the app.
Content Type: Guide step
Aceso al teléfono
Telegram te va a pedir permiso para usar el teléfono la primera vez que utilices esta aplicación. Esto sirve para el proceso de verificación, pero no debe ser usado después. Sin embargo, si no cambias este permiso, en teoría Telegram puede pasar llamadas a nombre tuyo. Recomendamos que revises los permisos de la aplicación para desactivar las funciones que no utilices, como el permiso para acceder a tu teléfono o tu ubicación. Probablemente vas a encontrar esto en la…
Content Type: Guide step
Ajustes > Chats
Historial de chats: Esta función ofrece la oportunidad de limpiar todos tus chats si sabes que alguien podría acceder a tu dispositivo y tus conversaciones de Whatsapp podrían ser usadas en tu contra. “Eliminar todos los chats” eliminará efectivamente todas tus conversaciones. Ten en cuenta que si tienes activada la copia de seguridad de los chats (lo que no recomendamos), es posible que estas conversaciones todavía estén disponibles en la nube. Esta función también permite…
Content Type: Guide step
Chat history
If you know your device might be accessed and your Whatsapp conversations might be used against you, the chat history feature offers the opportunity to clean all your chats. “Delete all chats” will effectively delete all your conversations. Note that if you have chat backups enabled (we don’t recommend this), these conversations might still be available in the cloud. This setting also lets you export specific chats should you want to save it locally.
To access chat history:…
Content Type: Call to Action
You might have read our investigation into advertisers who upload your data on Facebook and found out some companies doing the same to you. Well, you can join us and hold them accountable by sending your own Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)!
Before you get started we suggest you read our FAQ and take a look at our 7+1 tips to make the most out of your DSAR before and after.
To do so you simply need to copy the message bellow and send it to the companies that uploaded your data…
Content Type: Explainer
Hello friend,
You may have found your way here because you are thinking about, or have just submitted, a Data Subject Access Request, maybe to your Facebook advertisers like we did. Or maybe you are curious to see if Policing, Inc. has your personal data.
The right to access your personal data (or access right) is just one of a number of data rights that may be found in data protection law, including the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation, better known as "GDPR", which took…
Content Type: Guide step
Es importante asegurarte de que solo permitas que accedan a Instagram las aplicaciones que verdaderamente lo necesitan.
Para ello, tendrás que utilizar la interfaz web con cualquier navegador en tu teléfono o computadora:
Después de iniciar la sesión, toca el ícono de persona en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla, y luego toca el ícono de engranaje.
Ve a Apps autorizadas y revisa qué aplicaciones tienen acceso a tus datos.
Si ves una aplicación que no debería estar ahí, toca…
Content Type: Guide step
A lot of third-party apps ask you to get access to your Instagram data. This is the case with social media managing apps for example. The more apps have private information on you, the more likely it is that information can be misused. So it is important to make sure that you only allow Instagram access to apps that really need it. You can do this from your web browser or using the app.
On the Web:
After logging in, click the person icon on the upper-right corner of the screen, and then…
Content Type: Guide step
Avísale a la gente que no quieres que publiquen tu foto sin tu consentimiento.
No publiques fotos de otras personas sin su consentimiento.
No publiques información delicada en tus fotos o en las leyendas.
No reveles tu ubicación/asegúrate de que los detalles en el fondo no revelen tu ubicación.
No uses hashtags que podrían revelar datos privados (o la ubicación).
Ten cautela cuando publiques fotos de tus hijos en las redes sociales.
Si inicias una sesión de tu cuenta Instagram en otros…
Content Type: Guide step
Even with the tightest privacy settings it's important to acknowledge that the way you and others use the app can still be compromising in terms of sensitive data being shared. In addition to in-app settings there's a few good practices that you should keep in mind:
Let people know that you don't want your picture posted without your consent - if you make your profile private because you don't want unknown people to have access to photos of you, then you should make sure there are no…
Content Type: Guide step
Sugerimos que utilices la autenticación de dos factores, porque implica un paso adicional de seguridad para entrar a tu cuenta. Al hacerlo, además de pedir tu nombre de usuario y contraseña, Instagram verificará tu identidad enviando un código exclusivo a tu dispositivo.
Esto se puede hacer por SMS (mensaje de texto) o utilizando una aplicación de autenticación que sugiera Instagram. Veamos las dos maneras.
En la aplicación móvil:
Ve a tu perfil tocando el ícono de la esquina inferior…
Content Type: Guide step
We suggest using Two-Factor authentication, as it provides an extra security step in order to access your account. This way, besides asking for your username and password, Instagram will verify your identity by sending a unique code to your device.
This can be done using an authentication app or by SMS (text message). Let's go through both although you should be wary that SMS might not be the most secure.
On mobile app:
Go to your profile by clicking the bottom right corner icon. Then tap…
Content Type: Guide step
Blocking an account on Instagram will make them unable to find your profile, stories and posts. When you block a profile, they do not get a notification about your action. Blocking an account means you will stop getting notifications from that same account and it also means you cannot follow an account you have blocked. Keep in mind that if your profile is set to public, anyone that you have blocked can find you if they login through another account.
On the mobile app or on your browser (…
Content Type: Guide step
Si quieres tomar medidas más fuertes, bloquear a alguien en Instagram impedirá que encuentre tu perfil, tus historias y tus mensajes. Cuando bloqueas a alguien, Instagram no le notificará tu acción a esa persona. Cuando bloqueas a alguien dejarás de recibir las notificaciones que vengan de esa persona. No podrás seguir cuentas que hayas bloqueado. Ten en cuenta que si tu cuenta está configurada como pública, las personas que hayas bloqueado podrán encontrarte si se conectan con otra cuenta.
Content Type: Guide step
En la aplicación móvil:
Ve a tu perfil tocando el ícono de la esquina inferior derecha. Luego toca el icono de las tres franjas en la parte superior derecha y elige Configuración.
Ve a Privacidad y entonces podrás cambiar la Privacidad de la cuenta de pública a privada.
En la web:
En la página web de Instagram toca el ícono superior derecho para ir a tu perfil. Después, toca el ícono de engranaje para ir a Configuración.
Selecciona Privacidad y seguridad y luego podrás…
Content Type: Guide step
This is the first step in improving your privacy on Instagram. When you first create your account, it is set as "public" by default, meaning anybody can find it and see what you share.
Making your account private lets you share your content with a select group of people that you care about. Anyone else that might want to access it needs to send you a follow request to get your approval first.
On mobile app:
Go to your profile by clicking the bottom right corner icon. Then tap the three…
Content Type: Guide step
Twitter plays an increasingly important role as a space facilitating democratic engagement, debate and dissent. However, Twitter's track record in relation to protecting people's data has in some instances fallen short of expectations. In August 2019, for example, Twitter revealed that it had shared with advertisers the data of users who had opted-out of personalised ads. More recently, Twitter admitted that data which had been given by users for safety security purposes had been "…
Content Type: Guide step
Like other tech platforms, TikTok (which is owned by ByteDance) makes most of its money from advertising. TikTok allows advertisers to target ads on the basis of custom or lookalike audiences, namely targeting users on the basis of pre-defined characteristics.
The screenshots below outline some of the steps you can take to minimise the data you share on TikTok.
1. Once signed into the app, click on the three bars in the upper right-hand corner.
Content Type: Guide step
See the below screenshots to learn how to reduce targeted ads on Instagram.
Generally though, it’s tough to minimise targeted ads on phones because ads can be delivered based on data from the device level (such as what operating system your phone is using or based on unique numbers that identify your phone), browser level (what you search for within a browser), and within the apps you use. An app could target ads at you based on your location (tied to your unique device id number(s)) for…
Content Type: Guide step
Facebook can be an important tool for individuals to spread messages and ideas around the globe. For these reasons, it’s not possible for some people to simply stop using Facebook. However, we continue to be very concerned about the company’s conduct.This guide shows you how you can minimise the usage of your data for advertising recommendations on Facebook.1. Go to and log in
Content Type: Guide step
Google is enormous and is expert at accumulating data. Its main source of revenue is advertising. The company dominates search, has a dominant web browser Chrome, owns YouTube (and many other companies), is the designer/develop of Android, the operating system that runs on nearly 75% of global smart phones.Below is a set of steps you can take if you wish to minimise ad targeting when using Google.1. Go to and sign in
Content Type: Long Read
Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day to celebrate relationships, but many relationships that begin romantically can quickly become controlling, with partners reading emails, checking texts and locations of social media posts. This can be just the beginning.
Today, Friday 14th February, Privacy International and Women’s Aid are launching a series of digital social media cards giving women practical information on how to help stay safe digitally from control and abuse.
Did you know…